High school is basically this, only less objectifying and more snotty books.
I haven't done high school in almost 13 years now. That said, the reading in HS was never really so bad. I'm just kind of pissed because what should be a cool class with interesting subject matter (Science Fiction) has been reduced to "Let's read writers who write about writers!" Of the
fifty stories we are reading this semester (including five novels,) only one is Isaac Asimov. No, instead we read a boring short story about a proto-slenderman (The Shadow) and then a treatise by Carl Jung on it. Fuck that nonsense, I want good reading. To be fair, we did read Wells' "Time Machine" and we're doing "War of the Worlds", but dammit, I read those twenty years ago!
Also, in the case of crappy classes that look cool: we're supposed to be learning about what it's like to work in Media in my Journalism class. What did we do last class? We had a scavenger hunt! We got to look over a bunch (and I mean a bunch) of junk mail, see how it's presented, and get points for how it's put together! What does this mean? Luck based mission that has
nothing to do with what the class is supposed to be about. If this is what it's like to work in media, (here, do pointless busywork all day!) I'm going to punch someone in the throat.