Forgive the obvious question, but if you like your old place so much, why did you move?
Room mate moving and I couldn't find anywhere else.
The asshole literally gave me five days notice.
You don't go to school with MetalSlimeHunt, do you? Sounds like you have his roommate's twin.
Wrong side of the planet
Though I guess it'd be pretty interesting if they managed it anyway. Quantum doorways, or... something.
In sad-things, I get to have a six hour ride tomorrow, followed by formal wear the next day. May end up shaving before it's over with, I'unno. Not looking forward to... any of it, except seeing the aunt (she's having retirement parties in a couple days.) again.
Frumple and formal don't mix well. Plus they're trying to get me to wear an undershirt and my instinctual response to people that try to get me to wear layers in Florida is
murder. Little bit of headbutting the last few days.
Some days it's annoying to have such tremendous difficultly grokking the whole... clothes, thing. Like... matching socks. Matching socks can go blow themselves. They fit, they're comfortable, and no one will see them. Does it really matter that one's purple and the other not? So far as anyone besides me is concerned, they might as well be Schroedinger's Sock, all colors and none simultaneously. Representative case. Other stuff like that going down. No one's actually able to give me a reason
why, so I get stubborn. Like the undershirt. So long as it can't be seen, why does it matter what's on it or what shape it takes? Can turn one of my t-shirt's inside out and wear that,
no one but me could tell the difference and
I. Don't. Care.. But no, food people raise fuss. My comprehension checks are failing.
Meh. At least it's finally getting decently chilly, and I hit the realization that I can close the AC vent and keep it feeling alright in my room. It's something. I need cold occasionally to stay even this rough facsimile of sane.