For me it's not so much getting laid as finding a wife and raising a family.
That is actually the whole reason I am not out looking for a girlfriend right now - I want a wife and kids, not some meaningless fling. My roommates criticize me for not wanting to go out and get laid though, and I'm not certain how to laugh them off. I told them, I'm not interested in sex before marriage and even then not regularly until it's time to start having kids. They still laugh at me though, thinking I'm some kind of beta. I'm not a fish I'm a lone wolf, with my own ideas and visions.
It makes me sad that my roommates see women as nothing more than something to use for their own selfish needs and desires. It also makes me sad that while they claim to be religious that they lack the compassion and kindness that is supposed to go with that sort of thing.
Then again, humanity makes me sad in general. That's why I lost hope for humanity when I was a young boy and decided to just do my own damn thing. Strangely, that thing these days entails being kind to complete strangers and letting them cut in front of me at the supermarket despite my large quantity of perishables, and telling random people to have a nice day despite the fact that I will never see them again.
Either way, I should get some sleep. I've got to head to the HUD later today so I can update my information with them. Hopefully this is goodnight.