Boo, girls like the cheesy stuff.
Some of us guys like it too
For reason number two, it's been a great many pages ago, but earlier in this thread I made a post on 'being addicted to feeling bad' or something along those lines. That I just feel better when I'm sitting on my hands and wallowing in my own pity, rather than doing the obviously obvious action of doing something to get out of my rut. I thought about this some more, and I think it might just be because my mind wants to confirm something to itself. It's true that I want to improve my life some how, and that I'm always keeping myself down somehow with my negative thinking, but there's a problem in that I'm not keeping the negative thinking to myself, I'm always sharing it with you guys. Why feel compelled to share these feelings, when I obviously just spout the defeatist crap like that above? That's where I think my mind just wants to confirm to itself that those feelings are valid, that I don't value my own opinion or trust my own judgment to confirm this thinking, so it needs confirmation that this thinking is valid from others. Why does it need confirmation? Because it wants to believe it made the right decision, that in believing that the world is terrible, that my situation was unwinnable, that I'm simply so deeply flawed that it can't be changed or challenged, it's negative affirmations are declared valid and it can finally rest easier. My mind rests knowing that there really wasn't anything I could do to change my life, so the massive burden of regret that I haul around everyday can finally be dissolved, and I just don't even need to worry anymore. I can live without having to worry about dying with all this regret, and that's a prize my subconscious just can't ignore, so it seeks the path of self-destruction.
You're not going to get any confirmation along those lines here. You tell us you're horrible and worthless, and we'll respond honestly by saying you're not.
My perspective on that line of thinking: I do the opposite. I insult myself publicly in the hopes of being
wrong, so someone will correct me and validate me. I did that a lot when I first opened up here but have really been trying to crack down on that.
You insist that you're worthless, and that you want to be proven "right" that you are. Let me tell you that's the biggest thing you're wrong about, and if you want to be affirmed as making a correct deduction, you'll need to figure out that you have value.