Backstory; I have a girlfriend of over a year now that I cared about quite a bit. But then I met a girl a little while back that I've become pretty taken with. I find out after she starts dating one of her friends that she liked me too. Well, I was going to back off, but neither of us quite can manage to do it; we just don't want to. We haven't done anything to actually cheat, mind you, but I'm not sure how - or if I can - break up with my current girlfriend. Especially with this girl dating someone else anyway. However, this relatively recent boyfriend of hers treats her like crap. He's controlling, cruel, and often simply ignores her 99% of the time. Not to mention he's a small time drug-addict who ratted out a friend of mine to save his own skin when he almost got found out. Mind you, I don't condone any form of drug use, but still, no matter what your lifestyle is, being a selfish rat is always distasteful.
So suffice to say I really dislike this guy for a lot of reasons.
What's getting me down about this today? I'm graduating next Friday, all that's left of High School life are exams, and I'm not going to be able to see this girl much at all now. But she's very close to dumping her boyfriend. Not necessarily for me, mind you, but because of the way he treats her. Plus, I still have my own confusion with my current girlfriend, who I really feel like I've lost all attachment to between stuff happening between me and her, and my feelings that have crept up on me with this girl I've been getting close to.
Basically, life and emotions are confusing, and I just really needed to get all that off my chest.