Those god damn kids put Graffiti on the brick walls of the building I wanna rent, renovate and possibly buy later.
Honestly that just pisses me off. I'm trying to build a business and actually breathe some fucking life back into this place and of course, I get this bullshit.... Think about clients and customers coming from other places, dare I say people with some money.... Yeah, they don't wanna see that shit and they don't feel comfortable around it.
Moreover, my being pissed off, I don't wanna renovate a building including spending money on tearing down and building up walls and shit. God damn it, I'm not going to invest in a place that is going to be vandalized.
Fucking.... I am trying to lift this ghost town of a main street with the corpses of abandoned buildings littering both sides out of nothing and people are not making it easy.
Track them down and pay them to do some painting for you. It's worked wonders for a number of small business owners around here.
Eh, it isn't like I have the money to pay them. Given that my boss is keeping his clients if and when I go. Honestly though that'd be a decent enough thing I suppose if I could somehow straighten these kids up and start a paining company. Alternatively we've been yelling at the police to do something and threatening not to relected the ward counsel representative.
So its the new TV?
Also, I'm really not sure how good an idea it is to get worked up about a bit of graffiti on a place you plan to renovate anyways. Sure, it's annoying, but it's just a bit of paint - and from the way you describe it, it doesn't sound super common, or like they're going to be breaking shit or throwing bricks through windows or anything.
Eh, I dunno. The glass shop nearby has a booming business, so apparently people keep on breaking shit. Doesn't seem to have happened lately from what I can tell but damn.... I keep hearing about all this politically touted help for "small businesses," but don't see shit of it.
I mean you'd totally think somebody to do criminal and foreclosure defense in Cleveland would would qualify like all hell given that market seems to be in the pickup, at least as far as foreclosure goes (if only someone would pay for it
). It's a valuable service, especially the foreclosure defense for people who think all they have to lose is their house.... Nopes, two words,
"Deficiency Judgment." That can be negotiated away by a lawyer sometimes.... Nothing like a debt collector calling you up AFTER the sheriff's sale you lost your house at demanding $40K....