I really hate putting people in nursing homes/extended care. At some point you just have to more or less ignore them. Yeah, I know .... They don't wanna be there.... That's not really their choice. There really isn't a whole lot to be done once you're at the point of being committed. Same thing with them not being able to drive. Hell no, I'm not going to spend all damn day with them or even a significant part of the day (or rather they wouldn't pay me for that). Calling me 5 times a day isn't going to fix crap; neither would calling me 5000 times a day. Yes, you've lost your freedom to do whatever the hell you feel like; no, sorry, there's jack shit to be done about it.
With medicaid getting involved it's even worse, because the old people are of the false opinion that the government is stealing "their money" when a "spend down" happens. Fact is, nursing home care costs like $6K-$8K per month. They just don't have that, period. The government will pay your nursing home bills which can easily total several hundred thousand dollars and perhaps a million in the long run. They do require you to exhaust your assets in many cases first. Tell people this and they act like you're trying to skin them alive.... I didn't write the rules. I just have to play by them.
I'm actually exceedingly nice about all this, but wow is it exhausting. There's no solution in this problem that is acceptable to them, and that isn't my fault at all. Frankly, your medical cost has absolutely improvised you long past the practical point of bankruptcy and the nursing home won't operate for free. All those nurses, doctors, orderlies, the medical supplies, it all adds up and frankly ya can't afford it, but if you don't have it, then you'll die.... Rather than let that happen, the government will pay for it once you're out of any (exempt) assets.
It's kinda nuts. What do you do with these people? Shoving them somewhere and keeping them alive doesn't solve the problem of them having nothing but time on their hands and that they are probably bored out of their minds.