I think I'm coughing up blood.
I can think of very few scenarios where this is not a pretty big deal. If you have medical coverage, if the cough is semi-consistent, and whether or not you suspect it's caused by painkillers, you
really ought to not be coughing blood, ever. If it's an option for you, see a professional about it. Losing lung function sucks, especially when you consider that whole breathing thing most folks do on a regular basis.
@Vector: you seem like you could use meeting some friends whom you share significant interest-overlap with.
I can't yet. Sorry. I honestly just don't get much, if anything, out of face-to-face conversations most of the time. I'll go do it, and then... great, time wasted, I feel trapped, I'm exhausted. I'm working on doing better with all of this, but frankly, a year ago I never had any chitchatty conversations of any sort with anyone. Two years ago I was starving myself to get out of having to speak to anyone. I'm doing a lot better than I was, but I'm not exactly capable of just running off and "finding a circle of friends." I've never had one. Heck, I don't think I've ever had a friend that was any degree of close off of the autism spectrum, and the ones who were "friends" received that label despite emotional and/or physical abuse.
So... I'm trying, but your advice is a bit like telling me to go running when I'm still on crutches because it will make me feel better. Yeah, I'd love to. I still can't really do that. It's not out of sheer stubbornness. It's because I had literally never had a "real conversation" with a back-and-forth on both sides and subject-changing until the age of 18 or 19, when I realized I was somewhat fucked up. The net is different because of the severe time lapse and written content, so no one can see me fumble for words, get distracted by minor background noise, have my ability to produce facial expressions run out, or have to ask someone to repeat four times because I can't understand their (native) English, or blah, and blah, and also blah.
I'm about as tired of this as I'm sure you guys all are by now. But unfortunately, this is not something that goes away just because you decide you want it to, or with a week or two of concerted effort, or with just getting up the courage. It's something I have to practice all the time. It's something I have to get courage up for pretty much every day, to keep saying hello to people and giving compliments to strangers, and asking people about questions I'd rather try to sleuth off of other indicators and lateral thinking.
I've made a lot of progress over the past two and a half years, but going from basically zero socialization to where I am now has been a herculean effort. I'm just not there yet.
I am not a chatty person. I have long periods of silence when in conversations, when I do talk I get lost on tangents that few can follow, and I stutter over relatively simple words. My thoughts often go in multiple directions, and as a result I try saying two words (or even full thoughts) at the same time, resulting in a portmanteau at best, and a grammatical travesty at worst. I've added "...and Shit", "Fucking" and so on to my vocabulary to create verbal handholds for people to hang on to, because I found myself
doing this so habitually that I was failing to communicate. I fall into the mode of Entertainer when in large groups, which is basically an exercise in impromptu theater; I put myself in the role of a self-confident, charismatic, and funny guy, and pretend to be that person until I can leave the stage.
My friends don't expect conversations out of me. They expect me to be quiet and thoughtful, and when I do speak to alternatively stumble over anything I try to say, or sound like a mildly entertaining and snooty nerd with a stick up my bum. Any of the people I want to let close to me understand that, at least to some degree, and chattiness has never been a prerequisite of our relationships.
If I'm telling you to "go running on crutches", realize first that I've got a cane and a gimpy leg myself... and secondly that it's not a matter of running at all. Friendships aren't about being chatty, nor is their sole defining function Conversation. They're an exercise in a basic tenant of being a social creature; being together, sharing daily experiences, and having mutual concern for one another. Think of friends like a herd; when a friend is doing poorly, the rest help them until they're strong again. When they're out and about, they pool their senses and judgment to watch out for danger, and find good experiences to share. Yes, talking is involved, but it's no more what defines friendships than paints are what defines a creative spirit.
I apologize if this sounds like I'm harping on you; I only mean to explain that we may be operating under different definitions of "friendship", with a different set of expectations and assumptions about what they are. Going out and being a social creature (not talking to folks, but being a part of a community) is what I'm suggesting, in whatever capacity you feel fit to. That's what makes me happy, and it might work for you too.