Haven't spent any significant time with people out of class for... what, 3 months now? Maybe 4?
The worst part of this is that it's probably my fault, and I know it, too. I could have socialized earlier if I'd just swallowed my pride and asked Rosewood if he wanted to hang out and play video games. I could go to the movies by myself, or go out to dinner, or hang out at a cafe... the library, even.
But no. I'm craven. I'm craven, and I'm stubborn, and I'm obsessed with things coming in threes. It's not that I can't solve my problem. It's that I won't, because first off now that I know the solution I don't feel like implementing it, and second off I'm a coward who "prefers" my own company. Yeah freaking right.
And the saddest part is that I know very well I'll continue this way, in the same old rut, because the goal was never happiness and complaining is easy.
Oh, and I'm also bored... because I've mastered the proof techniques needed for pretty much all undergraduate work, and at this point I'm just working on understanding the development of theory (i.e., which questions are significant). Bleh. A bored Vector is an angry Vector, I guess. An angry and depressed Vector, perhaps.
How ridiculous it is to be both under-stimulated and over-stimulated, simultaneously.
Screw these mood swings. They'd better be worth the payoff in the long run.