You won't be able to find contentment until you are happy with yourself, and appreciate your abilities and your present position. It doesn't mean you have to stop trying to do better... it just means that you probably aren't accepting your past and present success as legitimate, because "you could always have done more, or done it better."
I think you're a pretty rad person, from my distant vantage point. I would give you all of the high-fives... all of them. However, even that, though written in earnesty, won't help you find the contentment you, as a human, naturally seek. You won't find that until you can be happy with yourself. And to be truly happy with yourself takes a fair chunk of self confidence. Luckily, that's just a matter of willingness to believe yourself, and acceptance that right now, you are precisely what you should be.
Hope the repetition doesn't come across as flippant, but I thought it might be semi-appropriate.
If your present situation feels like a rut, start to break it down into pieces, and pick apart what it is that's bugging you about it, as specifically as you can. Do the same for the situation or an ideal you want to be living in the future; break it down into elements that you want to have in your life, and think about why that is. Then match up a pair of current problems and ideal situations, and figure out how to get from one to the next. Build a plan, with a structure like that which the rest of your week works on, and tackle it as a side project.
Breaking a general life-malaise into pieces, and tackling it bit by bit is a great way to be able to make progress, and see the progress you've made too. Things will always feel like they could be better, but when you've got some sort of plan, you can see the difference, and that can be heartening.
This, on the other hand... yes, there is an a capella group that does mostly romantic math music. No, I don't know why. Yes, it is ridiculous.
Bad ass. I really love dorks with talent, who find ways to combine and share both at the same time. Excellent.