I'm afraid I'm going a bit batty.
I'm in a house with four of my best friends, and more friends within a half-hour walking distance. It's pretty sweet. Except... everyone I know is out of the province for the summer. Literally. The only person I've seen at all that I know since early May is my friend's weird brother who's about six years older than me, is here until my friend comes back in late August, and has so far spent the entire summer in his room with the door shut. If I'm hanging out in the living room and he comes upstairs to grab something from the fridge, he won't say anything to me if I say hi, or even really notice that I've said anything. I've had... maybe three conversations with him in the last eight weeks. So, effectively, I am alone, have been two months, and will be two more. Normally my social life is pretty active, so this sort-of-isolation is really getting to me.
I'm also sort-of broke, in the sense that I have enough savings to pay rent and food until my part-time job starts back up again in September (campus job), but not really enough to spend on anything not important. And despite consistent efforts to get a job since March, nothing but a little bit of freelance work has come up. Which, if I want to keep to my budget, rules out... basically everything except going for walks and sitting around the house. My alcohol stocks are empty, I've eaten basically nothing but variations on pasta and soup since May (and drank only water), and I don't really have a lot to do. I also have been struggling with my insomnia, and although it has been somewhat successful in that I'm able to get sleep at all, I'm waking up about three hours later every day than the day before, which has led to a trend of having 'day' weeks and 'night' weeks.
The things I've been up to to keep myself entertained have been rapidly shifting from pretty average to pretty odd. I luckily managed to get myself back into the DF groove for a while, but I've fallen out of that in the last week and don't feel much of an urge to get back. I've been doing a lot of songwriting and composing, but you can't force yourself to be creative, so that's pretty sporadic. I've been cooking a lot more as well, and although I really love to cook, my budget requires that everything is a variant of pasta, so a lot of the fun has been sucked out of that too. After a few weeks I made an eyepatch and wore it all day to find out if that 'pirates witch the eyepatch for night vision' thing was really true. Yesterday I took a bunch of cardboard toilet paper roll tube things and drew smiley faces on them. Today I added toothpicks to give them little arms. I don't really have a reason.
I mean, yeah, it's a far cry from utter misery, but... I really feel like I'm losing it here what with eating the same thing, not seeing the sun for a few days every now and then, not having anyone to talk to... I'm kind of worried that when my friends finally come back they're going to think I've kind of lost it.