Wow, lucky save on the outlet, it sounds like! Make sure you dry any damp carpet and wood, and keep the air moving, or you could develop a serious black mold problem... which is bad news.
Anyway, I need to work something out. Internet, maybe you can help:
I have grown increasingly disliking of my job. It pays very well, and is relatively easy to do, but I'm not happy here. I don't feel as though my work is worth anything, really... glorified Data Entry, basically, and a whole lot of gruntwork maintaining databases for the company. It started as a paid internship, vaguely related to my major (Biology) doing data entry for Chemical Safety information.... but every day that goes by, I find myself getting further from that. I'm currently programming excell sheets for other departments, and am taking over all the shitty mind-numbing information management projects that no one else wants to deal with.
I don't want anything to do with these things, and the only thing making it worthwhile is the paycheck... my coworkers have nearly nothing in common with me, and the work is sedentary and mind-numbing.
When people ask me my job these days, the response I give is "Wildlife Rehabilitator", even though I only work 1 day in the weekend at a Songbird Rehabilitation Center. It pays about half of what the Office job does, but I feel the work is much more valuable, and I get more out of the experience.
Anyways, I'm finding myself pushing the boundaries of what I can get away with at my desk (I'm actually writing this from work right now). I think it's a way of venting my frustration about where this job is heading, but I've not answered phone calls and emails, taken excuses whenever available, and made a point of not getting in to work when I need to... I think, subconsciously, I want them to fire me, to give myself the excuse to go look elsewhere for work.
What I really want is a paid lab job with the University, but I don't believe I can do that until I get into the School of Biology... and I other work isn't easy to find right now, nor can I think of any other availabilities that pay as well... especially for something this comfortable. If I were comfortable here, though... would I be lashing out at it like this?
I guess I'm wondering whether I'm just sabotaging myself, out of a juvinile frustration with my employer and job, or if I'm genuinely unhappy doing this. I've also felt this way before too.... maybe I'm just stuck in a cycle of getting sick of a given job, and look for something different, no matter how well it pays, or how valuable and interesting the work is?
Ugh... why can't I just take out thousands of dollars in Student Aid, and just focus on school for 2 years? Sick and tired of killing my brain and body, so I can work as a little cog in someone's Machine... it's dehumanizing.