I may be on the verge of failing a course right now. It's an Introductory Biology online "lecture", fulfilling the core science requirement for non-science majors. There are several problems with this.
1) Being online and "take at your own pace" my lazy ass missed a bunch of quizzes and deadlines. My grade is basically riding on the graders not giving a shit about due-dates.
2) The course material is both rambling and ridiculously detail specific, which the exams then follow in turn. I can kind of cheat by googling the questions and answer choices during the tests, but...
3a) There's quite a few questions that cover (in ridiculous detail) stuff that the "textbook" never mentioned.
3b) There's quite a few questions where several of the answers are technically right, but one of them is "correct" with no indication of which to go on.
3c) There's quite a few questions where every answer is technically wrong, but one of them is magically correct by way of the stoned professor who wrote this not giving a shit.
3d) There's quite a few questions where one of the answers is probably right, but are either obscured with egregious typos, or just plain encoded to the wrong answer.
4) I'm in no standing to complain about any of this, because of that aforementioned "doing all the quizzes late" problem.
I really don't want to have to do this shit again, and certainly not pay for it again. I already found out that Spanish course I "passed" with a D didn't really count as a pass. Fuck do I just want to graduate already. I'm so damn close...