If you're dead, you don't get to experience neat things like video games, chocolate, or new and exciting meals. Moreover, you also don't get to prove to anybody that, no, you actually can do some pretty cool things, like get that date with somebody awesome or contribute to the body of science or art a thought nobody has ever thought before you. And on top of that, you don't get to find your own alternatives, because salvation isn't going to get handed to you over the Internet, no matter how badly we want to. And trust me, we do!
Death has got two things going for it. One, you don't experience anything ever again. That could be a plus for some people, certainly. I don't know you well enough to make an even halfway decent guess as to whether it does or not; between my knowledge of the general population and my tiny slice of knowledge about you, it doesn't sound like it. But maybe I'm wrong! The other thing is that it is the very last "I told you so", that final triumphant last word in any debate over where your life is headed. Mind you, what it proves is that your life really did amount to nothing more than a footnote and everybody who hated you was right. That might not be the rebuttal you want, but it is up to you, as with all your major life choices. I cannot recommend it.
Now, here's my question. Since I don't know enough about you to guess, what exactly is it that makes oblivion so much more enticing than reality? I've heard you talk about your shithead brother and your dangerously negligent parents. And they're shit! But in the realm of "things that will get better", there is nothing more certain than family. One day, and one day fairly soon, you'll be able to move the fuck out and never talk to them again. They will not be making your life any worse. Seriously, you can just pack your shit into a bag and start walking. Maybe catch a bus, even drive a car, depending on your means. Can't be any worse than what you've already got to deal with, right? You don't know what freedom is yet, so give that a try before you give up on life altogether.
Now, that is probably not everything that's wrong! So feel free to explain what else is making your life hell; I'll read it, I promise you that (though I won't promise I'll necessarily do it the very day you post it, because I am absolute ass at consistently checking up on things and finding time to write out a good reply). If there's nothing else you can put a finger on, then there's a very good chance it's clinical depression, which I can do nothing for. Good news is, doctors totally can, most likely, which again puts to rest the fear that it'll never get any better. Otherwise, I'll see what I can do in terms of giving you some options, since you're pretty clearly looking for some. I mean, I can't give you many good reasons to live, but maybe we can find some ways around the reasons you have for wanting to die.