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Author Topic: Things that made you sad today thread.  (Read 10101257 times)


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90945 on: April 01, 2015, 02:01:57 pm »

That bay12 doesn't have a richi mahjong community.

That sounds like a fantastic idea! :o
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

If you struggle with your mental health, please seek help.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90946 on: April 01, 2015, 02:10:10 pm »

That bay12 doesn't have a richi mahjong community.

That sounds like a fantastic idea! :o
Been done before and died on page one.
I already have a group of friends which I play with and Tenhou takes care of refining technique and getting more experience, so I'm not exactly looking for another group.
But it's saddening that such a great game doesn't get more exposure.

Apparently it's become somewhat popular in swedish universities, which was surprising to hear.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90947 on: April 01, 2015, 02:48:37 pm »

So apparently, being too much of a slob to go to bed at proper times will fuck up ones mood pretty badly. I'm saying this because i really don't care for being awake today (i'm tempted to say that i don't care much for existing at all at the moment, but that's probably an exaggeration). And as if that's not bothersome enough, i have not one, but TWO major social events coming up in the next few days, and both of them involve being around my two second cousins, who are 6 and 9 years old and completely hooked on Minecraft. The latter part in and of itself isn't necessarily bad, but the problem is two-fold:
A: I am to play with them on an iPad (with Pocket Edition being infinitely more clumsy to handle than the regular edition, so this is godawful).
B: They are 6 and 9 years old, and i am 22. They're both bright kids, make no mistake, but they have the approximate attention span of gold fish, as well as a level of behavioral immaturity that is to be expected of their age. Not much entertainment comes out of Minecraft like that.

I hope i won't be cranky on those days, because that wouldn't be helpful at all. :I
Twitter i guess
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Quote from: Girlinhat
It may be worthwhile to have the babies fall into ring of fortifications or windows, to prevent anyone from catching and saving them.
[01:27] <Octomobile> MMM THATS GOOD FIST BUTTER


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90948 on: April 01, 2015, 02:56:23 pm »

Ex-wife texted me this morning to let me know her dad is being moved to hospice care tomorrow, has about a week left to live.
Also, it's his birthday. So we're having a tiny party in the hospital room in an hour or so.

I'm not sure how my psyche is going to handle the irony in wishing him a (last) happy birthday on the day that the doctors basically said "You're about to die."  :-[ :'(

Remember, knowledge is power. The power to make other people feel stupid.
Quote from: Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Science is like an inoculation against charlatans who would have you believe whatever it is they tell you.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90949 on: April 01, 2015, 03:42:09 pm »

Say "No." and then block the jerk if he insists. And tell him that. "You can't take a no, so I'm forcing you to. Maybe I'll unblock you later, if you've learned. See ya."
Exactly this. Say "no" to someone once, and politely explain that you're really busy or there are things you really want to do at that time. If this person defriends you for this, they were never actually your friend in the first place and you've just dodged the bullet of wasting more time on this person.

Friends make time for each other, they don't demand attention. That's a user, not a friend if they keep doing that. Saying no to people some of the time is like magic for weeding out people who just see you as someone to play with vs people who view you as a true friend. A friend will get in contact with you again whereas someone who just sees you as interchangeable game-playing buddies will move on to someone else.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2015, 03:52:33 pm by Reelya »

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90950 on: April 01, 2015, 04:29:36 pm »

That bay12 doesn't have a richi mahjong community.
Hey, speaking of Mahjong I got invited to gamble with a friend of mine so she can win drinking money! Yeah...

I'm exhausted but I can't relax enough to sleep. I've just been curled up on the couch for a few hours because I'm too tired to do anything else.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90951 on: April 01, 2015, 05:04:07 pm »

The legendary Nuzlocke's site has expired. Nuzlocke has passed...

Its the end of an age for pokemon lovers everywhere :'(
just shot him with a balistic arrow, i think he will get stuned from that >.>

"Guardian" and Sigfriend Of Necrothreat
Jee wilikers, I think Highmax is near invulnerable, must have been dunked in the river styx like achilles was.
Just make sure he wears a boot.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90952 on: April 01, 2015, 05:21:29 pm »

I put far too much hot sauce in my dinner yesterday.
In the days when Sussman was a novice, Minsky once came to him as he sat hacking at the PDP-6.
“What are you doing?”, asked Minsky. “I am training a randomly wired neural net to play Tic-Tac-Toe” Sussman replied. “Why is the net wired randomly?”, asked Minsky. “I do not want it to have any preconceptions of how to play”, Sussman said.
Minsky then shut his eyes. “Why do you close your eyes?”, Sussman asked his teacher.
“So that the room will be empty.”
At that moment, Sussman was enlightened.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90953 on: April 01, 2015, 06:06:03 pm »

So, my boyfriend's little brother told me they were moving to Connecticut. Turns out it wasn't an April Fools joke.

All of my friends are moving away and going to different schools, and it just reminds me of how I'll never be someone's long-term friend. They keep telling me,"Friends forever!", but once graduation comes around, no one bothers to keep in touch with me anymore. I'm just a temporary solution, I guess.
Although rare in most lands, the technicallyAdventurer is a common sight in the User Above You threads.

Cptn Kaladin Anrizlokum

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90954 on: April 01, 2015, 06:13:47 pm »

I just went "I guess I'll go check my Facebook, it's not like I have anything better to do..."
Then I remembered I've been abandoned or betrayed by all my "friends" so my Facebook is empty. Ah well...

I guess promises don't actually mean anything anymore. Why do I even keep getting close to anyone? It always just ends with me hurt and alone... :'(


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90955 on: April 01, 2015, 06:19:55 pm »

I recently found out you can unfollow friends on facebook.

Now the only posts that show up on my feed are from the Dutch version of the Onion.

I love facebook now.

Spehss _

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90956 on: April 01, 2015, 06:20:16 pm »

All of my friends are moving away and going to different schools, and it just reminds me of how I'll never be someone's long-term friend. They keep telling me,"Friends forever!", but once graduation comes around, no one bothers to keep in touch with me anymore. I'm just a temporary solution, I guess.
If you want to stay friends with them try to stay in contact with them. Don't wait for them to contact you, take the initiative and contact them once in a while.

Speaking from experience here. I had, like, only 2 good friends at high school graduation and I haven't tried contacting them since, they haven't contacted me, and now it feels too awkward for me to try.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90957 on: April 01, 2015, 06:28:32 pm »

I try to, but it just feels kind of intrusive and awkward. They find new friends, and grow into different people— the only conversation I can have is about the past, when I actually hung out with them and stuff.
Although rare in most lands, the technicallyAdventurer is a common sight in the User Above You threads.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90958 on: April 01, 2015, 06:30:57 pm »

Am I too late to join in the "second semester sucks" bandwagon?

So, my boyfriend's little brother told me they were moving to Connecticut. Turns out it wasn't an April Fools joke.

All of my friends are moving away and going to different schools, and it just reminds me of how I'll never be someone's long-term friend. They keep telling me,"Friends forever!", but once graduation comes around, no one bothers to keep in touch with me anymore. I'm just a temporary solution, I guess.
We'll be your friends forever! Given that you maintain your presence here forever, and that we do so too, you'll be able to contact us and vice versa forever!!.

Spehss _

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #90959 on: April 01, 2015, 06:32:56 pm »

I try to, but it just feels kind of intrusive and awkward. They find new friends, and grow into different people— the only conversation I can have is about the past, when I actually hung out with them and stuff.
Yeeeeah, I didn't try keeping up with my friends because I thought it felt intrusive. If you don't show that you're interested in staying friends with them though then they very well may think you're not friends anymore and drift away. I'd think that's what happened with me.

Having friends is a two-way give-take deal. You give attention and get attention back.
Steam ID: Spehss Cat
Turns out you can seriously not notice how deep into this shit you went until you get out.
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