Woke up today at 7 am with horrible sharp pain in my leg. I work nights so that pretty much equates to 12AM to normal people.
Try to sleep it off thinking it must be a charlie horse. 2 hours late it's still there and can't sleep, so I come to the conclusion that it is not a charlie horse and do the sensible thing and go drive to see a doctor.
Good news it's not life threatening, bad news, work insurance doesn't kick in for 3 more days. I have an odd condition where sore spots will come and go under my skin. Seems 2 of those decided to pop up in just the right place to pinch a nerve. Doctor wants to run a few more tests to be sure, but kindly offers to wait until my insurance kicks in since while painful, signs point to it not being serious. I'm prescribed some painkillers and anti-swelling stuff for the time being.
I go to wal mart to pick up the drugs, good news, they only cost 8 bucks, bad news, on my way out my car won't start. Boo.
Fortunately the wal mart is only about a mile from home and I walk home. And fortunately family can take care of my car and get it home, since it appears the battery is just dead somehow. Unfortunately it seems my leg has decided to protest at the long walk and is stabbing my nerve even harder, despite a dosage of prescription painkillers that seem to be trying to knock me out cold as I write this. I basically can not walk. My workday starts in 2 and a half hours. It is the second to last day of training. I can not miss today for any reason.
Not sure what emotion it is, too tired for angry, sad seems a good fit.