I am sick. Not very sick, or dangerously sick (I have the immune system of a particularly hardy ox, because I refuse to use hand sanitizer, I actively expose myself to lots of people in public spaces so I 'train up' my immune system, and I don't go to the doctor and get antibiotics every time I feel sick, only when I'm legitimately in danger from the illness. I know some people will think I am a fool, but let me put it this way: Where you will get sick and be laid up for two weeks, I will get sick for a single day, half as bad as you were for that week, and be over it by the next day, because I actually use my immune system instead of hiding behind hand sanitizer and antibiotics. Also, I NEVER get sick. This is the first time in two years that I've been legitimately considering calling into work. So. Yeah.)
All that doesn't make it any funner to be sick though. :/ My throat hurts, my spine hurts, and I can feel the sickness in my flesh. Blurgh.
Now I have this image of you going around licking lepers as Challenge Mode for your immune system.
IIRC, Leprosy is easily curable nowadays, so that actually wouldn't be as horrifyingly insane as it sounds. It would be 100% as disgusting as it sounds though, and if they had a secondary infection that wasn't leprosy, then it WOULD be as horrifyingly insane as it sounds.
... y'know, things being as they are, it's not entirely impossible Hans did at one point, and just can't remember it.
I've only been blacked out two times in my life. The first time, it's definitely not possible, because I was in my bed puking on myself the whole time. The second time, I definitely could have. I was in a big city for upwards of five hours, blacked out on bath salts, Xanax, and probably alcohol. It's very possible, just incredibly