If your group of friends was already deliberately excluding her, I don't think you're solely responsible for any tearing that might occur.
They weren't totally, but to some extent. But I can't help feeling crap.
I also have the issue that whilst my ex was incapable of taking the hint, my mates were equally incapable of telling her the problem. And I have no idea which side was right, because to me both are wrong.
Went through this, albeit instead of an ex it was my stupid-moronic 'still can't live without his bastardry around' brother I have.
He's an arrogant asshole. He's a pathetic individual who needs to be repeatedly hit with a baseball bat filled with rusty nails, but he's also a normal chivalric imbecile and an easy to dupe stupid.
Yep, normal brotherhood right there.
D&D team I was mastering broke up because after two new guys joined up, they basically formed a 'Friday' team opposed to my 'Saturday' team and they simply avoided inviting my brother because they didn't like how he played.
In the end nobody came any more to the Saturday day team because of my brother, there was a bit of a fight which ended with them no longer speaking to one another and in the end everyone went their way -the two new guys left to go somewhere else at the end of the summer to boot- and so basically my brother found a new group, I stopped Saturday mastering, and basically the old group broke because my brother couldn't for once swallow his stupid arrogance and admit he was wrong and a bastard.
On the other hand, the two guys were pathetic excuses of a boyfriend-girlfriend couple who believed they were always right and where the boy did nothing but leech off neurons while the girl kept acting on the preconcept that she could simply 'always' be right.
Basically, my brother had no hair on his tongue and spoke his mind.
Cue trying to act like normal adults -failing miserably because to be defined a 'normal' adult one has to at least possess some amount of brain- and tantrum falling ensued.
I'm happy now though.
The friends I have might be from around the web, I might barely see someone in flesh and bones in weeks but...'some people need only themselves'. With a pc, I have
the frigging god-damn world at my fingertips.
PS: if someone ever feels down about being 'alone' being 'out of touch with people' and the like, send me a pm. I should be a borderline suicide case because of half the shit that happened to me and yeeeettttt...
Nobody can break the Shadenight ship down.
Nobody and nothing!