(Let me be clear: I am well aware that a lot of this is hormones dragging me down at the moment, so it's all stuff that would normally make me riotously mad or unhappy, but I'd be more patient with being upset instead of just kind of beating myself against the walls. I've also been sleeping badly for the past few nights, which doesn't help.)
You're right. I'm going stir crazy, and I really don't care about money very much outside of land ownership, world travel, and medical bills. Well, and raw materials for projects. In general, I'm an enormous cheapskate.
Right now... ?
Well, to be honest, I feel pretty physically shitty at the moment, so all I want to do is lie in bed. But after that I have been doing the following worthwhile and satisfying things:
a. Promoting published book (makes me happy, people are actually buying it, and I feel like a total boss emailing random people and asking for favors)
b. Working on co-authoring more Russian translations
What I would like to be doing in addition:
c. Working on translation of short book (about 1/5 done? I'm not sure)
d. Working on translation of French poetry collection
e. Taking math classes
f. Developing that new kind of dessert I invented
g. Short art project thing I've been planning for months
h. Learning to program
i. Reading incredibly obtuse literary theory
What I am actually doing:
j. Applying for interesting jobs I can't have and getting out from under piles of backed up correspondence and necessary maintenance of crap that went bad while I was in college/couldn't do because I was tied down, which is exhausting and killing my creative drive.
It is stuff I do actually need to do, though, like "learn to drive" and "make it so my bicycle actually works." However, it's very good at making me feel like I'm not actually getting anything done. The origami boxes I made last weekend were the most exhilarated I'd felt in weeks, because the colors were actually good this time around... I'd tried something that had a failure potential and it worked out.
. . .
Anyway, I'm going to go get back in bed with a nice, cool glass of water for a while, and I'll take a walk this evening, and as soon as I'm feeling better (which will be soon!) I'll start thinking about living life more dreamily.