And now, before your very eyes, Max White explains...TIME CUBE!!!!
First and for most, the author of Time Cube is both very mentally ill, sexist and racist. He suffers from serious paranoia, so when he starts blaming random people like the government for things, don't feel stupid for not understanding why, there is no reason why.
Now, one day a very sick man noticed something wonderful. There are in fact four days at the same time! That is to say, while it is mid day here, it is midnight on the over side of the world, and morning and afternoon in other places. He split the earth into four sections for each time phase and called it the 'time cube', then accused those who promote the idea of the 'day' as liars.
What he didn't realize is that four time phases is an arbitrary number, it works with any number. He could have used 4, 7 or even... 24. Most likely in his impaired mental state, four just seemed like the ideal number because squares.
The idea behind time cube is very well known and used, but instead of four time zones, we use 24 around the world. Each time zone is separate by half an hour. We could have used 4, but 24 works better.
So there you go, there is nothing special about time cube, no reason to feel stupid or like you are missing something. It is just the ranting of a very sick man.
Eht Namuh, on the other hand, clearly contains the secrets of the universe!