your assuming humans are in the grand shcme of things "special" for all we know we could be the bottom of some lies forms planet, our kind would be like bugs or micro life.
What if to them WE are chickens, yes we feel, maybe they do something more that like chickens we cant even begun to think of, in which case by your logic we should be chickens to them.
your acting like there is something that makes us "better" and "worth keeping" and while this may be truth on earth and may be a joke on other planets.
Any animal as a species must put their species ahead of others, otherwise they are doomed to extinction. It's a little different for us, because we're so advanced and have terraformed our landscape so much; but all the same, we have to put our species first.
As it is, there is not high enough demand for dogs to keep up with supply, so what do we do? We cannot let them roam free. Wild dogs are very vicious predators.
Additionally, I am sure you've heard of zoonoses?
Dog + Rabies + Human = Human with Rabies. Not a good thing.
Cow + BSE + Human = vCJD. Also not a good thing.
Mosquito + Dengue + Human = HUman with dengue. Excruciatingly painful.
Assassin bug + Chagas + Human = massive epidemic in the South Americas that attacks your heart.
Need I say more? We exterminate some animals because they are un-needed; freeing animals may cause either a greater outbreak of zoonoses or similar issues.
If we're a lower animal on a planet, then we would be subjugated entirely, and I would consider that normal (while not necessarily right).