Alright, this'll be my last rage on Fire Emblem 6. Why? Because, well... I beat it. You'd think this would make me happy, but I'm filled with more rage than ever before. Rage, and confusion, and alienation. I feel like I just got fucking trolled; that this wasn't a game at all, but infact the most elaborate Rick Roll ever devised. If Rick fucking Astley started playing over the ending credits, I wouldn't have been surprised at all. But no, this is serious, and this is fucking bullshit.
Ok, so I hit what is very obviously the half-way or two-thirdsway point in every Fire Emblem game where the class-up of your main character is a story based event, and I'm off to kill the big bad king.
And I do, I kill his ass good. Then I'm like "Alright, now let's go after the real big bad. The dark dragon god thing that's been alluded to for the entire game."
Game: "Nope, roll credits. Thanks for playing"
Like, seriously, I JUST class changed Roy! He's basically still an infant, he hasn't gotten any time at all to strut his pathetic stuff and make himself worth something! Plus, the boss had a promotional item to steal on him, whch I did btw, what's the point if he's the last guy?!
I have never been more flabbergasted in my entire gaming career. I had to know if this was legit, I dive straight into GameFAQ's and I get this:
You need all 9 Legendary weapons and a certain character to be alive to continue the game after this point, otherwise the game ends, which is basically a NONSTANDARD GAMEOVER FUCK MY LIFE!
I had no idea that was even a thing that needed to happen! I thought I got them all anyway, I go back into my game just to count, and I got 7 legendary weapons... I'M MISSING TWO WHERE DID THEY GO?! I was sure I had them all! The story forces you to pick them up, it's not some optional bullshit that you can skip over carelessly! All my savestates are either for really recent (like, the final chapter), or for 15 chapters back. I am NOT willing to go back and replay the entire goddamn game just for some stupid bullshit like this!
FUCK THIS GAME. I've made up my mind, this is the worst game in the FE series. The designers should be ashamed of themselves!
There is a hole in my heart where my feelings of entertainment should be. I am not pleased today.
I apologize for vomiting this asinine bullshit all over the sad thread, but seriously, this is bullshit.