I went swimming today, and afterwards, I used the spa. Some Korean man came up and started talking to me, and I could barely get past his gutteral, thick accent. I told him my hearing sucks, and he told me I should take more B vitamins. When I said I take a multi-vitamin (to shut him up) he said it's not the right kind. I said I take riboflavin, b6, b12, and folic acid too (to shut him up), and he went on about how his hearing was bad until he found natural medicine. He then promptly told me my diet wasn't good, and I should stop eating red meat, out of nowhere! After saying I'm on a rigid diet, and that I exercise every day, he started complaining about how medication isn't the right answer. Somehow, the fact that I am a young adult with horrible hearing lead to him talking about how his son had bad hearing, and that he was bipolar! By this time, the Korean man was standing in the spa, and engaged in this nearly one sided conversation about how wrong I am! He demanded to know if I was bipolar too, and I said I was depressed once, but it was circumstantial, and not medical. He began defending his son's honor or something by saying the medication would make him go up and down, up and down, with accompanying hand raises and lowerings. He said the medication didn't help at all, and it's all because of America's message of being successful and wealthy. Apparently his son got a scholarship to a university because he was bipolar (I asked again to clarify that, since there was no escaping this conversation, and he was also blocking the spa's exit). His son is seeing a psychiatrist, who also takes medication, and you have to take medication to be a psychiatrist! His son apparently wants to be a psychologist, but he may not be able to until he takes the right medication. This guy's accent was so horrible, I could only catch pieces of what he was saying, but I had to understand the general gist of it or else he would stop and I had to say something, which he would ignore and continue with his ramblings.
Later on, when I was changing to leave, he managed to trap some poor guy in the changing room, and this poor guy had to hear a different plight, while they were both bare-ass naked!
Old men know no shame...