Today was absolutely miserable, and tomorrow shall likely suck as well. To start, I had a splitting headache all day, followed by an orthodontist appointment after school. The orthodontist decided I needed to wear TWO rubber bands on each side of my mouth, which is definitely not going to help with my headache at all. Then my blinds fell on my head. I also have a bunch of homework tonight..
And tomorrow morning I have to go to a spine orthopedics person who will decide what to do about my newly found scoliosis. Bleeeh.
Also, someone asked me out to homecoming without me knowing (I don't really like this person, last year they sort of followed me around everywhere, such as joining anime club without knowing what it was, and preceded to sit in the same desk. After I'd been in that school for less than a month.) They asked if I was going to homecoming, and after I told them (truthfully) that I don't really go to dances, they said that I was the second person they asked to go who said no.
Another person is angry at me for not going on some 'Walk for Wishes' thing and is trying quite hard to guilt me into going next year. I don't know why, but I get the weirdest people who follow me around. I think it's because I try to have common courtesy and politeness towards everyone.
This week is just all around sucky.