Went to the local fair, and ran into a friend from church and his wife. I was with my brother and his wife. Said hi, they asked how I was, I said introductions, then immediately said friend says "bye" and off they go. No "can't stay, gotta go, see ya later" or "we're in a hurry, can't stay," just "bye" and there they go.
Fine, so I have issues with conversations, I'm sorry. I never took that special class that taught everyone to be dapper, charming, able to keep a conversation going and somehow read everyone's minds and intentions to know what to say next. I'm awkward, ok? I thought that was ok for church people. Or practically the whole point. I guess not. I've had so many issues with that church, especially with people making cliques. And I've always been excluded from them all. Sure a few people will talk with me, but that number has been dropping more and more these days. Their last attempt to include me felt painfully like pity.
I went to a church for four years during college, and the first day I joined in, they treated me like one of the guys. I wasn't some strange college kid, they knew I was Christian and that was more than enough. Those people were amazing, and taught me about acceptance. Then within a few months of my graduation, they lost their church building due to lack of funds. But they keep preaching cheerfully in a school auditorium elsewhere. And the church I'm giving up on now has been running for... probably ten years or more, cliques and all.