I am freaking out. I have not been able to focus. I have not been able to think.
My mother is disabled and on social security disability payments, this disqualifies her from most medicare/medicaid benefits. She is already choosing to let her medical conditions go untreated because it would take her entire income to take care of it. My little sisters unemployment isn't being paid regularly and she can not afford to go to a doctor and have her medical conditions treated either. They are desperate, drowning in debt, just from trying to survive the shitty hand my family has been dealt and can not even afford to pay rent, electric, food, phone and car every month. Without a car and phone, my sister will not be able to job hunt and will not get the unemployment even if the state got off its ass and sent it out regularly.
The only thing I can do is rent/buy a large enough house to let them move in with me, that only lets them live not recover. I don't live in a state with social medicine, and they cant afford to move to one because of their dire straits. Even this option is completely contingent on my job as a federal contractor continuing and the debt limit issue and military cuts put that in incredible jeopardy.
My grandmother is dieing and my grandfather going through a mental breakdown over that plus he can not take care of her or himself any more.
I have no hope, i have no options. There is nothing I can do but wait, and even then I am only waiting to put a greater burden on myself and potentially sacrifice everything I have worked for and be dragged back down to the slow death of grinding poverty. I have so little in my life that is positive, and it is completely overwhelmed by all this chaos and negativity.