Bah, good old reading autistic people saying that AS should be classed as a personality disorder next to narcissism and borderline personality disorder, because they might as well be totes normal and need no help whatsoever. Obviously, the late-in-life diagnosis means that there's nothing wrong and we should all just fuck off.
This may be partially true, in some senses, but it reads to me a bit like when one sometimes reads about gay folk complaining about bisexuals, or women complaining about transwomen (because they "used to be" dudes, which means that they're supposedly getting both sides of the cake). Of course, it isn't quite the same thing, not the same power dynamic, but I guess you can understand. Delegitimization of the middle group that has a chance to blend in with the powerful group, in any case.
Oh, whatever. I don't even care about any of this anymore. This sort of attitude is what made it so that I couldn't get any help in the first place, back when I really needed it and preferred to starve myself over having a conversation. Of course, just as people with AS will sometimes say "I don't give a fuck about an NT's social problems," I guess anyone could say the same about me. "There is no system to help you because you don't need it, as evinced by your failure to display needing it at a young enough age."
I feel so tired and sick today. Mostly sick.