I had a pestering insurance company (apparently given suggestion from the bank or something) practically non-stop call me for the past couple weeks (ignoring them just makes them more persistent). I had to eventually cave in and comply just to shut them up. The deals didn't sound bad, but I always have an unnerving feeling of paranoia anytime free money (ranging from grants to gifts and insurance coverages) is offered. I dunno. I always get a feeling I have to pay back for it ASAP, and anytime money is borrowed from me, I don't expect it to ever return (because it almost never does anyway); it doesn't mean I don't keep track of it and not pester a return payment when I need it most, or a favor of equal value. I make sure I have an equivalent exchange done one way or another, especially if I sense a screw-over in the future.
Maybe that's why I fear free money. I think it's because I think the person I would receive it from would have the same mentality about loaning like I would. Be it government (which I fear more in this regard), or someone I know would likely abuse such a thing. I almost never accept free money for that reason. I always assume there's a nasty catch, or it's a trap of some sort.
Fortunately, they made the offer of a 30-day trial (which I'll cancel immediately), and gave me the contact information to cancel ASAP, which means I can cancel it today after they process the info. Only other way I can get across to companies that bother me. Be kind and a pushover initially, and then pull a dick move and cancel all services within the hour after being processed. If I want a message to come across to someone, I mimic them. Kind exterior, total dick in the background; just like any company or person that presents a kind face (but a generally hostile system of doing things). Do as done to; like my system goes.
Simply, I only comply and look like a welcome mat initially to shut anyone up, after that, away with the facade. If anything like that keeps up, then it's hostility from there on.
Just called them, and got word it'll take up to 5 business days to process to be in databanks. Well, I'll persist with a daily call just in case it's done sooner. You know, return the favor, and settle it ASAP then.