I don't know if I'm angry that people go on and on about how their SO is the only one who understands them because I think it's absurd and a bit face-rubby, or because I'm just envious and lonely.
I don't think it's the latter, but all the same I'm tired of that. Also tired of posting here as a substitute for having close relationships. Also tired of posting here about being tired of posting here, and tired of the process of getting back to work and de-lazifying myself again. I've had to do this two or three times and every time it was fine, so I'm not worried. But it's exhausting.
I miss having friends who aren't too busy crowing over relationships to spend time confiding in me. It feels like it's so long since I've had a close friend, or thought I had a close friend, that I don't remember how to make them anymore--but unlike when I was younger, it's definitely something I want to do. I don't want to go through life without that.
But, I can count myself lucky because, as my old friends post elsewhere about how deeply hurt they are by someone's statements, how miserable, how unfulfilled, how unhappy, I've realized that I just don't get hurt like that anymore. I'm stronger than that, or at the very least I don't care so much what people say anymore. I may be lonely, and I may still get odd looks, but I don't feel like a complete failure anymore and I have my priorities mostly in line. Things are just basically... good. I've hit a successful equilibrium and am working to move back into the life I really want to lead, but everything is working for once. I think I'm lucky, boyfriend or no, crazy or no, lonely or no.
In similar news, some people have been PMing me and I keep forgetting to respond. If you are one of the above people and I have not sent you a PM in the past 3 weeks or more, this is completely my fault, I think about you often, and I am working on getting off my ass to reply.