I just took this test, and it told me I'm an INTJ at 33, 38, 12 and 1.
I don't identify with the whole profile but there you go.
I'm not surprised. If you're near middle-balanced on everything, you probably won't identify too strongly with any one archetype.
I'm also not surprised to see a lot of INTPs playing Dwarf Fortress
I'm near 100% on N and P. I think I actually am 100% P. I'm around 80% Introvert. I'm only like 5-7% F if I remember.
And as expected, I'm totally a dreamer and hardcore idealist, but also extremely critical of my own ideas before accepting them. It's really rare for someone to have a response to something I say that I didn't already go over in my head.
TBH it's rather hard to keep this up for an extended period of time, as your personality will probably "leak through". This awesome you is also probably not as awesome/different as you think.
I think you actually get to know people better online than you do in real life. Online there are no inhibitions. Yes, this means people lie more, but those lies would probably be more restrained in person. You get to know them for the liar they really are, if that makes any sense. In person it takes time for people to get to know each other and let go of their inhibitions.
I've been making friends online since I was 13, btw, and ended up marrying a girl I met that year, 14 years ago. I get annoyed when people downplay the "reality" of online friendships or personas.