If people are offering to hang out, you might as well try it.
Yeah, I have a couple of offers, and I'm going to go take the people up on them--they may be a bit nuts, but then I am, too. It's just... well, I dunno about you, but as I get older I've gotten a hell of a lot lonelier. There aren't that many life choices when you're young. When you're older, it's suddenly much harder to find those commonalities. It's another one of those adjustment things I'm learning all about.
Some part of me thought life was going to end at eighteen. Over with. Done. Nothing else to worry about. I didn't understand how much more there was going to be--I swear, I seriously thought that high school was going to be the end of all things. It's thrown me a bit of a loop that I'm still alive and there's a lot more things to explore. What? I actually need to make friends and polish skills? I haven't learned everything that needs to be learned?
I'm going to become an adult, get older, and die--possibly alone? Or maybe I'll die tomorrow... I think I never believed in life's numerous failure modes before this.
Bleh. I never realized. I guess part of the reason why I'm so upset is because I thought Thyme would be Thyme forever, Daisy Daisy, Glory Glory. Now Daisy wants me to stand guard while he looks up gay porn, Thyme is choosing her love life and Magic over her education and sleep, and Glory ... has taken up baking, which actually isn't that odd but he's way too far away to visit. Basically, I need to go take the initiative and make some more suitable friends now that we're all branching off.
Well, to look on the bright side, I have a good number of proto-friends at Berkeley, I know of a good number of social groups I can insinuate myself into, and my courses should be another source of folks. Plus, it's a much bigger place, and at this point I'm getting bonuses just from
seeing people. Furthermore, roommates and visits from parents with gifts of food... :3
Everything's going to be fine. Thank you for talking it out with me =) I get kind of mentally... backlogged sometimes.
I think it's just that I'm confident and charismatic enough that I can just let people gravitate towards me and not screw anything up.
People call me a natural leader and, for unknown reasons, always expect me to know what's going on even when I'm trying to hide at the back of the class. Can't remember what number a math class has in the catalog? Ask Vector! Can't remember when an assignment is due? Ask Vector! Where something is? Vector has no sense of direction, asshats. Try again.
I'm just not very good at the "letting people under my guard" part of socializing. Also the initiating contact part. I think I've gotten lazy because people pay attention to me nowadays. Or possibly just because laziness is convenient. So even if I draw people to me, they kind of bounce off after a while and build relationships with each other.
Yup. In retrospect, my problem isn't anywhere near as large as it looked.