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Author Topic: Things that made you sad today thread.  (Read 10106990 times)


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122685 on: December 27, 2024, 11:00:49 pm »

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Very tired of, frankly charitable acts, being misconstrued. Weary of the stupids demanding to be called smart while said stupid condemn the smart.

Was going to describe it; typed it out. However, just not feeling it. Focusing on being constructive and / or distracted.
Discussing said situation nonconstructive. Time spent on another thing or planning is better spent.
Will handle situation as best possible and ethically, if tiresomely.

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The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.

Robot Parade Leader

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122686 on: December 28, 2024, 10:04:20 am »

God damn former landlord is still holding a security deposit for a girl I like (but I am cool with her not liking me, cause she just don't) who moved out a year and a half ago. I don't really have room to have them stay with me and I'm not sure how my landlord would feel about someone else on the lease anyhow. Nothing like about $1,000 hanging over your head when you clean the place like hell and have your friends put pictures on facebook of it. Can't win no matter what.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122687 on: December 28, 2024, 01:22:08 pm »

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Not legal advice. Only morons take legal advice online. There is no substitute for a licensed attorney in your area. Every case is different and due to those differences cannot yield the same results every time.

Why do I feel like I've lived this day before but with more opioids, bailiffs, vomit and bad dates.
"I'm having a bad day, and I don't like listening to this guy violate landlord tenant law while extorting my appointed client...."

Because I have... several years ago. It was nowhere near as fun as it sounds.

Go to your local bar association.

Politely ask the receptionist for a referral to a lawyer that can do a landlord tenant real estate case for violation of ORC 5321.16.

Your job is to be a good client(s) for that referred lawyer and make their job easier so they can help you. It will depend on several things including but not limited to a.) tenant must give landlord written notice of forwarding address (where they moved to) promptly, b.) landlord must give written  itemized list of any and all damages beyond normal wear and tear to deduct anything from security deposit within 30 days of move out, c.) documentation copy of lease and payment, etc. d.) what those pictures actually show (details of conditions of walls, floors, etc., said lawyer will need to see and acquire them for evidence), and lots more.

But why would I call the bar association. So and so told me I could DIY.... So and so is stupid and lazy and yes I've called other lawyers this and will do so again. If they worked at it, then they could get paid. Get a lawyer because,

"(C) If the landlord fails to comply with division (B) of this section, the tenant may recover the property and money due him, together with damages in an amount equal to the amount wrongfully withheld, and reasonable attorneys fees. "

Also, only the lawyer can charge the landlord for representing you against the landlord, which is more reason for landlord to shut up and settle/give the stupid deposit back before it gets worse. Speaking of worse for the landlord, if the landlord committed misconduct, it is possible to get double or if especially egregious triple damages, meaning 3 x the security deposit amount. The law means this as a bargaining chip to get the landlord to cough up the security deposit if not rightfully held, and a punishment if they don't. You can screw this up and a lawyer will help ensure that you don't, because it could get worse/backfire without someone knowing what they're doing.

There are several assumptions here including that the tenant is not behind on back rent and did not damage the property, etc. I've seen this a hundred times. It is also possible the lawyer may have to do real work actually extracting the money from the landlord, because a judgement is not a payment. That's a whole different can of worms.

It is despicable that there are bad property managers making good property managers look bad and unjustly enriching bad property managers at the expense of the common working person. The deposit is assumed to be the property of the tenant and not the landlord unless and until damage, expenses, back rent etc., provide reason for it to become the landlord's. I've represented good landlords and it is a shame the bad ones get money from being bad ones.

Let's review: I'm not representing you or anyone. Go to the bar association and ask for a lawyer who can do landlord tenant real estate cases where the landlord can be forced to pay reasonable attorneys fees by statutory law. Make it as easy as possible for the lawyer they refer you to to assist you with documentation and access to those photos so they can review and analyze them. Tell the attorney as much detail as you can, preferably in writing you give them so they can read it faster than you can say it and ask any questions. (Lease? Copy of lease? Written notice of new address given? Itemized list received from landlord? Received when? Evidenced how {Writing? Email? how?} etc. From there the attorney you are referred to can determine if you have a case or not, how strong your evidence is, etc. An attorney who represents himself as a fool for a client, so what does a layman have? Don't screw this up yourself, especially when the attorney fees can be paid by the landlord.

Alas, the sorry state of funding for justice with budget cuts means the rich often have lawyers (because they know it helps) and the poor do not, no matter how much they deserve them. Same goes for healthcare, etc. Here is one area that can counteract that. It was bad before but it used to be better on that front for the average working person. I am not in a position to do things like this now, and I can't. However, back when I did, I never charged a client a dime for it. I took the money from the bad landlord / slumlord. (not easy).
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« Last Edit: December 28, 2024, 01:38:57 pm by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.

Robot Parade Leader

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122688 on: December 28, 2024, 06:25:17 pm »

Holy crap. Thank you very much. I will do that.

Jesus, how are you that awesome and not completely rich as hell? I'm not sure what to say but wow. Thank you again I really don't have words good enough to thank you.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122689 on: December 29, 2024, 07:59:32 am »

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You're welcome.

Why am I not rich? Presence of ethics; lack thereof in others. Disability and medical bills, despite working.
That and the whole orientation thing.... If I were corrupt, I could've been a multi millionaire by now.

There are four reasons I'll never make it: I'm honest and don't screw people over. Each of those counts at least twice.

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« Last Edit: December 29, 2024, 09:25:24 am by Truean »
The kinda human wreckage that you love

Current Spare Time Fiction Project: (C) 2010
Disclaimer: I never take cases online for ethical reasons. If you require an attorney; you need to find one licensed to practice in your jurisdiction. Never take anything online as legal advice, because each case is different and one size does not fit all. Wants nothing at all to do with law.

Please don't quote me.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122690 on: December 29, 2024, 02:25:33 pm »

In-laws came over for Christmas this year, which was surprisingly pretty nice, unfortunately my father-in-law was sick and got all of us sick too.
Grey morality is for people who wish to avoid retribution for misdeeds.

NullForceOmega is an immortal neanderthal who has been an amnesiac for the past 5000 years.


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122691 on: December 30, 2024, 01:17:17 pm »

Closed a P.O. box that had been in the family for four generations today. Rest of the family's not interested and I can't really afford to keep it if I'm not using it (and I haven't gotten mail addressed to me in it in ever, so). It's a small thing, but... still feels pretty damn bad :-\
Ask not!
What your country can hump for you.
What you can hump for your country.

Loud Whispers

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122692 on: December 30, 2024, 03:14:28 pm »

Closed a P.O. box that had been in the family for four generations today. Rest of the family's not interested and I can't really afford to keep it if I'm not using it (and I haven't gotten mail addressed to me in it in ever, so). It's a small thing, but... still feels pretty damn bad :-\
All things must end. The P.O. box spirit must've been happy to serve on the mail line across the ages


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122693 on: December 30, 2024, 11:25:51 pm »

God I'm just racked with anxiety. My little sister apparently got into a fight with another woman two days ago. I don't know why, she won't tell me, it might have been about a man, but apparently it was something they agreed to meet and fight about. She lost badly, because of course she did she's a loser who lies in bed all day barely moving, she doesn't have the strength or coordination to even do ordinary work let alone win a fist fight, and I got contacted after-the-fact by a cop telling me where the ambulance was taking her. Her nose was broken, her lip was busted, her eye was blackened, two fingers on her hand were sprained, and she suffered a concussion. I go to the hospital and I'm very worried sick, but even after having done something so stupid and gotten so hurt, she tries to play it off aloofly and pretend it wasn't a big deal. I'm just utterly beside myself; she's so ignorant that she always finds a way to disappoint me.

I don't know what happened with the other woman that did this, I don't really care, it's obvious that my sister willingly walked into a bad situation she could have avoided, and should have avoided as she has a daughter to look after. I try and try and try to communicate to her and get her to open up to me, but she just insists on being distant from me, never telling me anything, and only talking to me when she needs something from me. It's like she doesn't understand that she's my closest family, but she behaves like I've wronged her somehow and she's holding a grudge; she might as well be, with how constantly closed-off she is.

I really wish I were Man Enough to be a provider, emotional pillar, and source of comfort for my family. but I have so much trouble even just having a normal conversation with them, and their social dysfunction is rubbing off on my little 3 yr/old niece, and getting along with her is getting harder too. I feel so anxious for the future, it makes me feel sick.

Loud Whispers

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122694 on: December 31, 2024, 05:22:40 am »

You can only do so much when you are trying to help people from their own self-destructive tendencies. This is no failure on your part, you cannot do more in that situation than you have already done


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122695 on: January 01, 2025, 12:48:33 am »

Yes, your sister is an adult, too. Her failure to adequately assess a situation is not your failure.

All you can really do is point things like that out and hope she eventually figures it out herself.

Also, enough of the toxic masculinity. I am a stay-at-home father, so I materially provide nothing for my family, but what I do is good for them. That doesn’t make me less of a Mantm (using myself as an example, with no offense taken to what you said).
Look, we need to raise a psychopath who will murder God, we have no time to be spending on cooking.

If you struggle with your mental health, please seek help.

Great Order

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122696 on: January 05, 2025, 07:30:36 pm »

Almost ten years on, it's surprising how I'm still caught off guard by my dad's death on occasion. Not in thinking he's dead, just that something will come up or happen, and while most of the time it just gives me a tinge of nostalgic sadness, sometimes it's enough to start the waterworks.

March is gonna suck.
I may have wasted all those years
They're not worth their time in tears
I may have spent too long in darkness
In the warmth of my fears


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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122697 on: January 09, 2025, 07:37:00 am »

Los Angeles fires.

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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122698 on: January 11, 2025, 04:20:56 pm »

Yeah those fires in LA are really messed up.
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Re: Things that made you sad today thread.
« Reply #122699 on: January 11, 2025, 05:45:25 pm »

I wasn't expecting to find so many sore spots in my head while reading about about boundaries and consent in my book on polyamory today. Or when the gaggle of strangers a table over were talking about a hospital stay. Or when I realized that the guy I'm crushing on a little has mannerisms similar to my college crush/the gal I hard my first major relationship with and it wouldn't be fair to hold him to the pedestal I'd put her on. He was trying on platform shoes and did a little pose at the mirror the way she would and by gods i went weak in the knees and had to look away. I spent so many painful years yearning for her and I wasn't prepared to hear its echo through him.

Traumas add up, huh.

How does one get through life, carrying so many wounds, so many sorrows? I've got a leg full of metal and a mind full of broken glass and a soul begging me to collapse into someone's chest and surrender entirely. I'm so, so, so tired of doing it all on my own, but tomorrow comes regardless and I don't fell well enough to let someone in so closely.

Mostly unrelated, but I've been informed that I do not, in fact, have resting bitch face, so I could not have had resting bitch face bad enough to have been doing damage to my last relationship. No, I have resting 'sopping wet puppy that's hoping you'll adopt it' face. It's more fun to joke about, but less to think that the sadness has been etched into my features.

I should get that referral to a psychiatrist that my doctor offered last year. And therapy. Physical therapy's already blown away my deductible for the year, after all.
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