I mean, no, 18 year olds should not be making life-altering decisions.
Sure, but they specifically didn't let her come back until she was at least 30, despite the operation
technically being available from age of majority.
And then when they did let her in, they first made her sit for an hour in the maternity section, surrounded by mothers and their spawn. Y'know, to get the ol' eggs a-quivering and tempt a reconsideration.
Except that did nothing more than irritate her and make her even more convinced that she was making the right choice. Funny how surrounding her with screaming, snotty children didn't immediately change her mind.
The surgery itself went off without a hitch. Well... Except for it taking almost twice as long as expected, because her uterus had apparently shrunk back into itself somehow and they had to spend the time finding it.
I'm reminded a bit of my ex's little sister, who came out with similar sentiments when she was 15. "I want the operation, I don't want kids", to which her mother just leaned back in her chair and smiled smugly "Oh, you'll change your mind..."
"I don't like kids, the world's already overpopulated, the economy is in shambles, the school system is similarly in shambles,
and I have a life-changing congenital disease that might kill me if I get pregnant and will get passed to my kid if I don't. Pass."
"Just wait. You'll see. You'll come around eventually."