Here's the thing. You cant just put somebody into a nursing home; that's criminal abduction and illegal incarceration. First, you have to make a state to the case that the person is not competent to care for themselves, then get a durable power of attorney, so that you can then legally make the decision for them and their well being.
Since the man has not had that declared on him, he was "in charge" of his own medical care and made his own care decisions. However, as a care giver, I am a state mandated reporter. If I see unsafe, unhygenic, or otherwise unsuitable living conditions, or signs of neglect (even self neglect) in an elderly person or a child,
I am REQUIRED BY LAW to report it.The normal protocol (that SHOULD have been followed, and why I am so goddamn furious!!) is that the state then sends a case worker to the residence and performs an investigation into neglect or abuse, and then makes a legal determination. Considering the.... Grossly inadequate... conditions of his residence, they should have taken him into state medical custody and then started that process rolling.
Instead, those lazy assed mother fuckers decided to just do nothing. (Why do I pay taxes again?)
Since the man is over an hour drive (one way) away, I really cannot go check on him every damn day. Instead, I have siblings that live closer that ASSURED me that they would do so. I heard nothing out of them after I filed the report with state, so I presumed all was well.
Nope. Amputation this afternoon!
Jesus H Christ on a mother fucking pogostick.