Because less climate change == no vroom room sounding car, and damnit, their sexual insecurities have to be placated! Those electric vehicles are for liberal pansies too afraid to eat meat!
You would be surprised the number of people who call me a liar, when I honestly say I am willing to live with dark age furnishings rather than kill the planet. With existing knowledge, we could make that mode of living quite tolerable. It just means giving up disposable packaging, highly artificial building materials, and willfully letting populations decline instead of intervening medically for everything.
A 6fold reduction in living standards would naturally result in such a population contraction, because keeping people around on permanent medical intervention would be too resource expensive. It's completely unapproachable politically, but mother nature doesn't give a fuck, and neither does the grim spectre of reality.
This kind of violent throw down of civilization has happened before (resource depletion, followed by catastrophic collapse, that is) but never at this scale. Humanity has been systemically unwilling to learn it's lesson on this, and always does the same things, over and over again. This time, we might kill the whole world down to germs with us.
Are you willing to live in a mud hut, without heating or air conditioning, and without running water? If you say no, you aren't thinking about this realistically.