Rolan, as before, don't feel guilty for anything done when boozed. I mean, sure, it was you, but it wasn't your best judgment. Try to not drink to the point you might lose control of a situation. Also someone that try to goad you to an argument over your sexuality is not really your friend. Unless you are trying to fuck him what you do with your ass is your problem and no one else (that's actually a popular saying here).
Hanslanda go to a doctor and have your liver/organs check up please, with an sonogram. Those symptoms however do seem like some kind of flu, it sounds a lot like what I had a few days ago, I'm still recovering. It could be that or something serious from heavy drinking or sequels of drug use. You have a family pal, do it for them.
Both of you need to stop drinking like I told you before, don't make me immigrate illegally to your countries just to kick your asses into moderation guys!
Roboto have you really tried to put that degree to a use? I mean, search job markets on the internet, not only local but anywere else? Even other countries if you can. I remember you told me what it was about (your degree) but I was exhausted that night and can't remember it. Also I didn't agve out anything to anyone, I swear. I have a meager 3 years technical degree.
Fuck I'm tired. As part of my duties paying back the medical bill to my sister I had to move 96 packs of 45gk (100 pounds) each by myself a distance of about 30 meters or roughly 100 feet at 4 am this morning. That reduced the debt 2 million bolivares which is a net gain for me.
Then off to work at 9 am, shift is until 7:00 pm, I get home around 9pm because of transport issues we are having, there are no buses(no spare parts, tires and so on..) and pick up trucks and platform trucks are being used as makeshift buses, which of course charge trice the price. Anyway, get home, sleep one hour, spent until 6 am in the hopes to hunt down an appointment IF either the internet or the power doesn't get down for some reason or another like is common place, then sleep another hour, get a carpool to be at work at 9 o'clock, work till 7 pm, get home at 9.... you get the drift.
I'm exhausted. In need of a shower and hit the sack for two days in a row. I'll try to catch up some rest this 5th, it's our Independence Day (which is rather ironic thing to celebrate under a ditactorship) and no one works that day.