still going through my week in a daze. don't enjoy anything, barely even go out to eat. manic behavior just to break the monotony. struggling to get a small thing done that I needed to do before my break. it's now the latter half of my break and I'm only finishing it now. posting a little here and there and just... nothing.i have no idea why i stay up at night when i spend literally all day bored. it's not like i'm doing something more interesting then sleep. Hell I love sleep, why am I posting at 3:45 AM? There are reasons, but no good ones.
Im tempted to say that this started when i lost interest in my previous temporary hobby (well no, actually it just became impossible to pursue further, but i always lose interest eventually anyway). i hate having a cycle of gaining interest in something, making it a big part of my life for weeks, or even months, and then just... losing interest. and then I'm depressed because I've lost such a big part of my life, and anywhere i start off with next i'll be a neophyte. Eventually i'll find something, i'll make friends within that thing, hyperfocus it, I'll gain more knowledge and maybe even make plans involving it... and then i'll just suddenly lose my drive and interest. if i'm lucky I'll still have some residual interest in it, but for a while i can't stand the sight of it. i can't seem to stand anything for too long.
I'm not sure though. For all I can remember it's been roughly this bad for the entire semester. I do feel like I was more on top of self-grooming though, or at least eating regularly. Something's gotten worse.