12 bay is better than most places for trans friendly status, though it has had some distinct ... incidents.... There are some noted standouts, but you'll have that.
It's an incredibly odd place if you think of it, and in some ways, that's good. I've met some rather nice people here who actually didn't care or dare I say liked ... how I am. I've had a couple of girls here be rather nice to me and a couple of men be civil and decent. Wow. Moreover, people actually are mostly nice about my asking not to be quoted / outed. I've shared some details on dates etc and I was surprised at a couple of congratulatory responses instead of the usual internet vitriol machine.
In the same breath, I vividly recall being flooded with hate email some time ago over a discussion on transgender bathroom ban laws. I also recall some people going out of their way to stick up for me when that happened and supporting my request not to be quoted largely because of it. Thank you, you know who you are, and you have a great deal of my gratitude.
Are there issues, even here, yes, but nothing compared to the rest of the internet, and thankfully things have been getting better over time. Perfect no, improving? Yes. In a perfect world, what's between the ears would matter far more than between the legs.... We don't live in that world yet. I hope to see it some day.
That said, even my therapist has said, "I realize you can't be yourself right now. It's a safety issue." I hide here.