This whole thing is really upsetting me. This should have never happened, but due to the sheer stupidity of the system some maniac was able to buy guns and shoot 50 people without any trouble.
Unfortunately, Trump is right about that. The only way to stop terrorism is to keep those fuckers from coming over here.
Why the fuck is it that whenever something genuinely horrible happens mother has to make some retarded comment like this?
The obvious rebuttal is that the fucker in question was an American, born and raised.
Had to navigate some similar discussions with my folks last weekend. That part of the family literally and figuratively buy Alex Jones' brand of coffee, think of Trump as some kind of messianic hero, only actually know/care about the second amendment, mail-order and stockpile ammunition in the basement, and have a small arsenal of semi-automatic weapons, concealable pistols, night-vision scopes, and so on between them. That aside, my father's also the sort of guy who says "I'm okay with it, but I don't think gay people should be
public about it."
We dodged homophobia this time, but when the "If everyone in that club had guns, this wouldn't have happened" argument came out, I tried my best to explain how these sorts of mass killers don't usually expect to survive, and often commit suicide right afterward. They see themselves as heroes and martyrs, whose actions and deaths will be publicized by the news and become an inspiration to other violent extremists who share their views. More guns don't stop that... being gunned down in response only helps further polarize the folks that sympathize or idolize these killers.
No one had a rebuttal; instead, the discussion jumped immediately into talking about how stupid and unnecessary transgender bathroom laws are, and how we "Need to protect little girls from pedophiles," so... yeah. That's family for ya! :Y
This shit really wears me out. There's only so much one can do, when people believe they hold absolute knowledge, without any test in reality.