I'm a grown up. I have a decent job. Hell I'm a married man with no children... yet I can't fucking buy a game over the inernet without my government permission? Well not exactly buying a game. I can't buy anything in dollars or euros without asking my fucking communist government if they are in the mood to allow me to do so with the meager 300 bucks I'm allowed to expend yearly. And no they don't gift them away, you have to buy them with our local currency from them at a prettu hefty price.
I'm a men of few vices. I don't smoke anymore (quitted 10 years ago), and don't drink beyond the occasional beer or rum with my wife and friends. My only hobby are computer games. It tookme five years to save up for my computer and then a a lot of more saving waiting for sales to buy the games I dreamt off over the Internet. Because even when piracy is the norm here I don't wanna be part of it. I'm called a moron but I pay no attention, I know thats the rigth thing to do.
This whole situation made I couldn't get Legacy of void, a game I awaited four years. And now is going yo make me miss Battlefleet Gothic Armada. A game I've been waiting literally for over teen years now, ever since I knew of the TT game.
I fucking hate this stupid government, that as you migth guessed simply said "lol no" while they are making regular trips to caribean islands to make the grocery shopping and buy yatchs and hummers....