You could chat to a professional. Probably more qualified than us (barring perhaps Tiruin, who studies psychology and such).
When it comes to professional matters--I'm not able. Even if I was a licensed and certified professional in all the degrees in my dreams--nope.
This is primarily due to many factors, one such thing is the
medium of communication; via internet, this relies on self-reporting, and lacking other natural methods of communication (ie tone of voice, body language, gestures...) that also add to how the person acts (eg I feel comfortable because despite the other person saying {x}, their tone and body language says otherwise. Huh, I didn't think of it in a non-rough tone).
And there are also other viewers here who study psychology/have graduated from such--the best we can offer is advice and morale support; what you can do however is to help yourself, assess how you communicate, seek aid in your area.
My current therapist is more interested in other things than what I have to say, and I only get about a half hour, give or take a few minutes, to speak with them.
It's a lot of excuses, isn't it? It's odd, maybe I only have myself to blame for my problems.
Speak with your therapist--usually, when with clients they do not know or have concerns in many areas of life, they have a mental list to go through to get a better idea where to orient their advice
It may seem like they have less interest in what you have to say--but reflect the thought with the therapist and inquire why they're doing what they're doing (ie Why does it seem like you're interested in talking about other things? I feel like I'm being dismissed [or other ways of saying it. I'm very messy, sorry x_x]).
Why does nobody respond to my posts, ever
I've been looking for help all weekend, and nobody cares
sorry, man, didn't know you wanted help
figured you were venting
take the time you've got left and spend it on productive things. switch off your computer until you've done something relevant, unless it's all computer-related stuff, in which case i have no advice and only sympathy
its already too late, but maybe i really should do that except some of it is computer stuff and the part that isn't homework is entirely computer stuff
You can PM me if you'd like to chat about something. I'm sure other people would be happy to as well.
I don't know how helpful I'll be, but you can PM me too if you want.
You can PM me if you'd like to chat about something. I'm sure other people would be happy to as well.
Hey dude c: Nice to see you again. I looked back and...maybe there's a big difference in what happened--there wasn't any direct call for help, and for people posting in the sad thread, the usual thing is that they're venting, and it may be considered rude or intrusive if someone pops in and decides to help that one person. If in need of someone to talk to, PM others here--from all my years on B12, there are a TON of very helpful people just around there!
Sending a direct note of 'I need help' (or anything on a similar line) is a way to ensure that your intent is heard. Sorry though if you feel not responded to.
I'd suggest caution though in believing and putting too much focus on really negative stuff (ie Nobody cares
), as this...deepens the
feelings and impressions.