First of all, I apologize if it hurt you in any way, as I was trying to respond both comments in one paragraph. As for the dictator thing; just because one claims they are religious, it does not mean they are. If you are a follower of a religion, it is expected to behave in a way that your religion dictates (I think that is the word for it, I am not an English speaker). It is also expected from a citizen to obey the rules made by the government and yet not all of them do. Things, not words. As for death, the holy book of my religion is my "insurance", for the lack of a better word.
Okay. I am not arguing that YOU don't believe in the afterlife. Obviously you do. Unfortunately, empirically you have no proof of this and thus cannot be 100% certain that an afterlife DOES exist. On that basis alone, it would be unfair to convince someone that it DOES exist. It's the blind leading the blind, so to speak. Again. To be TOTALLY CLEAR. You can believe whatever you choose, but you need to recognize that you can't logically prove it and thus have no basis to force your belief onto others as if it were fact.
EDIT: and to be totally clear. I am not trying to convince you that an afterlife does or does not exist, just that that is an impossible question to answer, and that you cannot use it as a given.
I have found very little that indicates Napoleon and Mussolini were atheists. Just, you know, putting it out here. I do like how you immediately went off to list them evil atheists. Please don't do that.
Disclaimer: I am neither atheist nor christian.
Dood. Read. C'mon (assuming you're responding to me, it's unclear.) I literally phrased it as evil people (except maaaaybe Napoleon) who happened to be Atheists and that there were other dictators who were religious or used religion for evil.
Disclaimer: I am an Atheist, and if you think I labelled Atheists as evil there--well, ya wrong, boi.
EDIT2: After rereading some things:
I will remain a believer, you will not. As I said, I cannot do something for someone if they will not do it themselves.
As for the last sentence; faith without works is dead, just as works without faith. If pride is your motivator, then it is only gonna be your downfall, like it was to many other people in history. If it is effort, it is futile. You, a mortal, are going against something that is far greater than all of us. It is like trying to grab a tsunami with your hands.
See. This is where you have to recognize that you have a belief, but that it is not fact. To automatically assume that because someone is not faithful, they are a bad person, worse off, or in some kind of trouble is simply prideful and unsubstantiated. The fact is, we cannot know who is better off--if any of us are better off believing one way or the other at all. You may believe you are better off or in the right, and you may be, but we cannot know. It's a toss up. So unknowable that we cannot even begin to ballpark the answer. Even if we believe certain things. We can still rationally recognize our own limited knowledge.
To your second paragraph, I reply the same. Simply put, there is nothing either of us can prove. Though I will say that there are plenty of people who are not religious who provide for others from the good of their hearts.