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Author Topic: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)  (Read 88576 times)


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2085 on: March 23, 2010, 09:24:10 pm »

So we're doing the "free vow of poverty"? How much gold do we start with then?
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2086 on: March 23, 2010, 09:26:49 pm »

I've had a look at Complete Warrior, and have to say the non-magic variants are, well, a bit crap.

Rangers get an extra 10ft a round at level 6, if wearing medium armour or less, level 11 gets a once per day +4 to Con, Dex, or Wis. Or more accurately, to Dex, since a no-magic doesn't really need that much Wis, and they're not supposed to be tanks, really. So they basically get stuck with being archers. They get to either Neutralise Poison or Remove Disease once a day at level 13, then they get Freedom of movement at level 16, cast as though they're a spell-caster of half their level.

Paladins aren't very good either, but they do get more useful ability bonuses at level 11 (Str, Wis, or Cha. So, in practice, Str).

One thing about Complete Warrior, though, is: HOLY PRESTIGE CLASSES BATMAN. There are 35 of the damn things. And a crapton of feats. Literally a crapton, a ton of crap.

So yeah, going fighter, staying human.
But then, life was also easier when I was running around here pretending to be a man, so I guess I should just "man up" and get back to work.
This is mz poetrz, it is mz puyyle.


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2087 on: March 23, 2010, 09:45:00 pm »

An idea I had during Biology earlier - What if when casting spells, instead of failing and blowing your innards out, you just took (X)d8 damage, when X=Spell level.

Spell casting could still be dangerous, and magic could still exist. (albeit as a VERY dangerous course of action.)

The current idea i'm looking at is having spellcasting cause Constitution Damage equal to the level of the spell. This is to represent the fact that without the divine flows of mana regulated by the gods, Wizards have to power their magic out of their own life force.


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2088 on: March 23, 2010, 09:50:20 pm »

STILL haven't confirmed free vow of poverty, or gold pieces...

The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2089 on: March 23, 2010, 10:00:30 pm »

Oh jeez. Magics pretty much worthless then. Oh well, my monk still will work just fine. And I will not be able to attend the first game of this reworking stupidly. I thought I had break. Nope. I have to go on a trip. Fun.
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2090 on: March 23, 2010, 10:57:49 pm »

Hmmm, I think you could probably find value in one level 9 spell every 9 days, and there are ways to speed up stat recovery, not to mention a cleric could craft some scrolls of lesser restoration, then use them to craft a wand of lesser restoration, then use that to craft a wand of full restoration, and then they are set! I would assume that liches lose charisma instead of con...
 But this is basically the DM saying no magic, so I guess it is no magic then, even if you can work around it you won't be allowed to... Personally I would love to play a mage trying to find a way to get magic working again, but I don't think that the DM would like that...

Given that non-humanoids keep their spell like abilities I fear we will be needing someone to take out mages, so at least one archer, as I said, my archer build is powerfully lame, but it should be able to heal a fair bit and have vaguely decent saves, but I would also kind of like to try a grappling bear warrior... Anyway, we are all meant to have similar races, so lets not build our characters until we have decided upon the setting. I suspect that Neruz's setting in brackets in a previous post was only an example, and we could try to come up with something which appeals to us more, but I could be wrong about that...
Vote (1) for the Urist scale!
I shall be eternally happy. I shall be able to construct elf hunting giant mecha. Which can pour magma.
Urist has been forced to use a friend as fertilizer lately.
Read the First Post!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2091 on: March 23, 2010, 11:07:11 pm »

Even making a scroll of Lesser Restoration would take 2 con off of you... then again, if you're in a safe place like a city, you should be able to heal 2 con before you need it again.

Someone should play as a scholarly wizard or something, trying to discover the pattern of how the worlds were torn asunder, or catalog the various local changes...
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2092 on: March 23, 2010, 11:28:27 pm »

Actually, divine magic is kaput. Gone. Period. Arcane still works, but with those prices.
I suspect you've never tried doing many illegal things yet in your game. The second the CCS knows you're "active", they'll come down on you like the hammer of God.


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2093 on: March 23, 2010, 11:51:30 pm »

Current Ruelset - Subject to Changes as I Make Shit Up

The Gods are Dead
As a direct result, Magic has become dangerous. Divine Magic has simply ceased to function, while the other forms of Magic have lost their source of power. As such, most working Magic requires the caster to invest a portion of his life-force into the spell. Casting a spell causes an amount of Constitution damage equal to the spell's level, this damage is permanent and can never be restored; once your life-force is converted into magical energy, that's it, it's gone forever.
The exception to this is Warlocks, who draw their power from Daemons and other dark sources. Other classes may also be exempt, depending on the exact circumstances.
NOTE: Half-caster classes, such as Rangers and Paladins, can choose to sacrifice their spellcasting abilities to gain a variant class feature. See the DM if you wish to do this.

Ability Defenses
Fortitude, Reflex and Will saves are replaced with defenses. The defense equals 10 + the base save and relevant stats. Anything that previously forced a Save to a certain DC instead makes an attack on the relevant defense with an attack bonus equal to the DC -10.
Abilities have also expanded somewhat; Fortitude is now based on the higher of your Str or Con modifier, Reflex the higher of your Dex or Int modifier and Will the higher of your Wis or Cha modifier. You may add the higher of your Dex or Int modifier to Initiative and as a Dodge bonus to AC.

Scaling Bonuses
Scaling bonuses to 'pass or fail' mechanics are removed. These mechanics include Attacks, Defenses and other such things. Base Attack Bonus is gone, as are scaling F/R/W saves. Classes that previously had Full BAB (Fighter) now instead provide a +2 class bonus to nonmagical attacks, classes with three-quarters BAB (Cleric) provde a +1 class bonus to nonmagical attacks, and classes that provided Half BAB( Wizard) provide no bonus to nonmagical attacks.
Classes keep their first level F/R/W saves to be added onto the new F/R/W defenses. These, along with the attack bonuses, do not scale.
BAB is still tracked; when a character reaches sufficient BAB where he would normally gain an extra attack (+6, +11, +16 etc) the character instead gains an extra damage die to each of his nonmagical attacks. This damage dice is, by default, a D6.

Armor Changes
As a result of the nonscaling attack bonuses, Armor has changed significantly.

The default types of armor available to starting characters are as follows:

Cloth Armor (Light)
Leather Armor (Light)
Hide Armor (Light)
Chainmail (Heavy)
Scalemail (Heavy)
Platemail (Heavy)

Light Shield
Heavy Shield

Notes: Shields provide Shield Bonuses to AC and Reflex defenses.
Check is short for Armor Check. You take this penalty to physical skills and actions, such as climbing.
Speed is a penalty to your speed in feet. This penalty is applied first, before speed multipliers from bonuses and soforth.

Proficiency in each type of armor is gained seperately, each time requriing proficiency in the previous type of armor. Such proficiency is gained via feats.

Classes that previously started with no armor profieciency start with proficiency in Cloth armor.
Classes that started with Light armor proficiency start with proficiency in Leather armor.
Classes that started with Medium armor proficiency start with proficiency in Chainmail.
Classes that started with Heavy armor proficiency start with proficiency in Platemail.

Classes that started with proficiency in shields retain that proficiency.

Armor also no longer provides a bonus to AC, instead it provides DR; armor doesn't make you harder to hit, it makes you harder to hurt. Shields still provide AC bonuses in the form of Shield Bonuses, which are also applied to Reflex.

The following skills have been squished together into a new skill which covers all the applications for the previous skills:

Athletics - Climb, Jump, Swim. Climbing a rope is an Athletics check, not a Use Rope check.
Arcana - Knowledge Arcana and Spellcraft.
Acrobatics - Tumble, Escape Artist, Balance.
Stealth - Hide, Move Silently.
Thievery - Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, Disable Device, Disguise, Forgery
Perception - Spot, Listen, Search

Note: Specific bonuses, such as +2 to Spot Checks, are applied to the relevant combi-skill only when used for that purpose. (A character with +2 to Spot Checks does not get a +2 to Perception when trying to Listen or Search for something, only when trying to Spot something).

Minor Actions
New action type, Minor, considered below Move. Minor Actions are little things that before used to be sort of horribly composited into Move Actions. These include things like Drawing or Sheathing a weapon, Opening a Door or Chest and so on. Move and Standard actions can be traded for Minor Actions in the same way that Standard actions can be traded for Move actions.

Action Points and the Death Flag

Each Character has 6 Action Points. After a night's rest, the Character's action points are reset to 6, regardless of what they were beforehand.

As a Free Action, Characters may spend a certain number of Action Points to get one of the following effects:

1        Roll a D20 twice, choose the roll to keep. This must be declared before the roll in question.
2        Re-roll a D20. This can be declared after the dice is rolled and the result is announced, it can also be used to force an enemy who has rolled a D20 against you to reroll. The second result of the dice is always taken, regardless of the first result.
2        Take an extra move-equivalent action. Can only be declared on your turn.
3        Take an extra standard action. Can only be declared on your turn.

There are no limits to the action points, so somone can spend all 6 of his AP's to get 2 extra Standard Actions, or to reroll a dice 3 times.

In addition, all players have a death flag. The Death Flag begins lowered, and while the Death Flag is lowered anything which reduces a character to -10 or whatever hitpoint value would kill them instead sets them to -1 and stable and their Death Flag is now raised.. While the Death Flag is raised if a character dies they are dead as normal. It costs 6 action points to lower the Death Flag.

A player may volentarily raise his Death Flag to immediately gain 6 Action Points. This is a Free Action.

Raising the Stakes

Before an action that may succeed or fail (attacks for example), a Player may make a bet with the DM, choosing to raise an extra bonus on success against an extra penalty on failure. This can only be done once per turn, and the DM says yes or no once the raise is made.


Player: “I walk up to the sorcerer and hit him with my dagger. I raise grappling him against getting knocked back 10 feet and taking 2d6 damage from cracking my head on the pillar.”
GM: “Roll.”

Player: “I leap over the banister, raise you knocking out the kidnapper and the princess falling in love with me against accidentally landing on the princess.”
GM: “Roll”

Player: "I attack the Orc, raise you instant decapitation and death against 2d6 damage as the Orc punches me in the face."
GM: "No bet"

I will be fair with these assessments; if the Raise is ovbiously skewed in the player's favour (the Orc example above) or if the Raise would result in events that would cause issues, then i'll not let it through. Otherwise i'm looking forward to some of the crazy raises you guys come up with.


Masterwork now comes in 3 levels, rather than as a binary state.

Superior (+300 GP) - Weapons gain a +1 Enhancement Bonus to damage, Armor loses increases it's DR by 1.
Exceptional (+1000 GP) - Weapons gain a +2 Enhancement Bonus to damage, Armor loses it's Check penalty and increases it's DR by 1.
Masterwork (+3000 GP) - Weapons gain a +3 Enhancement Bonus to damage, Armor loses it's Check and Speed penalties and increases it's DR by 2.

Items must be crafted as Masterwork; a non-masterwork item cannot become masterwork.

Note: Items other than Weapons and Armor can also be crafted at differing levels of Masterwork. These bonuses will vary depending on the item.


Armor Proficiency feats are removed. Instead they are replaced by the following:

Leather Armor Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of Leather Armor when wearing it.

Hide Armor Proficiency
Prerequisite: Leather Armor Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of Hide Armor when wearing it.

Chainmail Proficiency
Prerequisite: Leather Armor Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of Chainmail when wearing it.

Scalemail Proficiency
Prerequisite: Chainmail Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of Scalemail when wearing it.

Platemail Proficiency
Prerequisite: Scalemail Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of Platemail when wearing it.

Light Shield Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of a Light Shield when wielding it.

Heavy Shield Proficiency
Prerequisite: Light Shield Proficiency
Benefit: You gain the full benefits of a Heavy Shield when wielding it.

Note: It is not a typo that Chainmail only requires Leather proficiency. This is because the disadvantages that come with Chainmail and Heavy Armor are considered to balance out the bonuses, rendering it approximately equal to Hide Armor.

Note: While wearing armor or wielding a shield you are not proficient in, you gain no benefits, but take all penalties.

Communal Magic
Prerequisite: Ability to cast 1st level or higher spells.
Benefit: The caster may convert any spell he knows into a Communal Spell. Communal Spells take a minimum of 10 minutes per level of the spell to cast (if the original spell took longer, use that value) and require the willing participation of at least 3 times the spell's level worth of sentient creatures in addition to the caster. The creatures must gather together within 5 feet of at least two other creatures and focus upon the spell for the duration of it's casting. If the spell is uninterrupted, the Life Force requirements are spread out across the participants, instead of the caster taking permanent Con damage, all participating creatures take Hitpoint damage equal to the spell's level. This damage can be healed as normal.

Master of Cantrips
Prerequisite: Ability to cast level 0 spells.
Benefit: The character has learned to channel the natural life-force around him into his cantrips. The character may cast level 0 spells at-will with no restrictions or cost.

Prerequisite: Caster level 7th, Master of Cantrips.
Benefit: The character has mastered the art of drawing upon the natural spirit of the world to power his magic. The character may cast any spells he knows as a Spirit Spell. In order to cast a Spirit Spell, the character must meditate uninterrupted for a number of hours equal to the spell's level. At the conclusion of the meditation the spell must be cast immediately or else it is lost. The caster suffers no permanent Constitution damage from casting a Spirit Spell.

Adept Crafter
Prerequisite: 5 ranks in a Craft skill.
Benefit: The character may craft items to a Superior quality.

Expert Crafter
Prerequisite: 10 ranks in a Craft skill, Adept Crafter.
Benefit: The character may craft items to an Exceptional quality.

Artesian Crafter
Prerequisite: 15 ranks in a Craft skill, Expert Crafter.
Benefit: The character may craft items to a Masterwork quality.

Magic Item Crafting feats are not available; such knowledge is lost from the world.

The Overmap

The Overmap represents the Overland of the world and is how the Party moves from one place to another. The Overmap is made up of hexes, each hex is approximately 3 miles across and thus takes 1 hour for an average human to cross, assuming unobstructed travel.

On the Overmap, the Party has Resolve Tokens. Travelling through the Wilderness is dangerous and Resolve Tokens respresent the Party's resolve to move forward and their endurance.

The Party has a total number of Resolve Tokens equal to 10 + the lowest member's Constitution Modifier; the Party moves at the speed of it's slowest member.

Crossing a standard hex requires 1 Resolve Token, specific terrain may have different effects, some of which are listed here:

Road: Roads are easier to travel on, two Road hexes may be traversed for every Resolve Token expended.

Undergrowth: Shrubs and bushes, undergrowth is difficult to navigate, costing the party 3 Resolve Tokens for every 2 hexes.

Light Forest: Trees are even harder to navigate, requiring 2 Resolve Tokens per hex crossed.

Heavy Forest: Almost impassible, Heavy Forest requires 3 Resolve Tokens per hex crossed.

River: Crossing a large River is difficult, requiring 5 Resolve Tokens to cross a River hex.

Low Hills: Like undergrowth, Low Hills cost 3 Resolve Tokens for every 2 hexes crossed.

Foothills: Foothills are only slightly harder to navigate than Low Hills, requiring 5 Resolve Tokens for every 3 hexes crossed.

Mountains: Mountains are effectively impassible, requring 8 Resolve Tokens to cross a single hex.

Resolve Tokens can be gained and lost by other means as well: a charismatic leader may push his followers onward, gaining extra Resolve Tokens, a wounded character may also use 1 Resolve Token while resting to restore himself to full strength.

Character Creation

Characters are created using a 28 Point Buy.

Characters start with a number of hitpoints equal to their Constitution Score plus the maximum hitpoints for their hit dice. Constitution modifier is not added to first level hitpoints.

Hitpoints are maximised; you gain your full hit dice worth of hit points, plus your con modifier, per level.

All characters start with 100 GP.

Traits and Flaws are acceptible.

Characters may start with 'free' equipment if they can justify it's ownership.

Other Notes:

The Tome of Battle is highly reccomended. I won't force you to use it, but i will be using it, so i suggest you do as well.

Not all the game mechanics are revealed here. You may learn more as you explore.

As always, i'd love to hear questions and comments, especially if i missed something or something is unclear.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 07:50:39 am by Neruz »


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2094 on: March 24, 2010, 12:47:15 am »

Blar, I was 85% of the way through my skills, then I clicked the background of the page when I was deleting some stuff, and it went back to the "my sheets" page and none of my work was saved.


Anyway, I've got a shitload of spare skill points now... DM, any chance I could exchange the right for free equipment, to transfer my In-class knowledge skill from Local to Engineering?
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2095 on: March 24, 2010, 12:52:19 am »

If you like, the compacting of skills though should result in having plenty to spare for most characters and should hopefully counter the old problem of nobody ever having any of the less commonly used skills.

Also note that i'm taking the approach that the players are Adventurers, not Blacksmiths. I'll be expecting you guys to be going out and exploring, not chillaxing in a town making rings. Once your fame and riches get high enough though, it's quite likely you'll end up with some NPC's who can chillax in town for you.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 12:54:20 am by Neruz »


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2096 on: March 24, 2010, 12:59:28 am »

Just seems kinda odd for someone who was raised in a settlement that's still being built, in a world where nobody knows where they are, to know more about the local environs than how to build stuff.

New and improved backstory coming soon. By which I mean tomorrow.
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2097 on: March 24, 2010, 01:04:39 am »

Knowledge of the surrounding landscape will definitely be down to actual experimenting and experience. You won't be learning anything about the world by rolling a dice at it.


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2098 on: March 24, 2010, 01:18:22 am »

Spell-like abilities still function, yes?

Also! Do you still have to technically be a caster to do alchemy? I've never understood why you have to in the first place...

Here's my sheet thus far, apparently I'm not as tired as I thought
« Last Edit: March 24, 2010, 01:25:57 am by shoruke »
The Unforgotten Beast, Shoruke, has come! A pale-skinned human. It has heterochromatic eyes and moves in an unpredictable manner. Beware its rapier wit!


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Re: Moar DnDs on the Interwebs (Back to Fridays\Sundays)
« Reply #2099 on: March 24, 2010, 01:27:18 am »

Spell-likes function the same as spells: they eat Constitution.

The exception is the Warlock, who draws his power from supernatural beings that still exist (Daemons) and thus does not have to pay this toll.

I think i actually have a book about nonmagical alchemy in DnD, i'll see if i can find it.
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