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Author Topic: Hope to Dodge - Turn 43. END.  (Read 21636 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 3
« Reply #45 on: October 10, 2009, 08:44:12 pm »

Laugh Maniacally.

With any luck, I will fail at being evil and gain some sort of remorse ability.

{1} - After laughing evilly, the dark elf feels even worse.
Permanent remorse gained! -2 to all actions not involving donating large sums of cash directly to non-violent charities!

Like that?
Erm... not quite. Okay, forget the laughing:

Poke the singing, dancing man.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 3
« Reply #46 on: October 10, 2009, 09:51:31 pm »

I change my mind and have Alfred go out to town and begin bringing back random victims for me to slaughter and later re-animate. Until then, I decide to stitch up the last zombie myself. After all, what good is a Necromancer if he can't re-attach missing limbs from his minions?
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 3
« Reply #47 on: October 10, 2009, 10:51:53 pm »

I will ask the two people carrying me exactly what is going on. And I will try and somehow stop my bleeding.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #48 on: October 11, 2009, 12:59:56 pm »

Turn! Exclamation mark abuse!

Apostolic Nihilist
{2} - Guy successfully sticks the nail three inches into his lower right arm. The older of the two men speaks. "A rusty nail, covered with blood: the sign. Now finish proving yourself. What does it signify?"
Mild bleeding! Roll each turn to see if it gets better or worse!

{6} - "I wish to be able to sneeze really, really hard."
"Amusing request. Granted. You are an interesting human. Continue to amuse me."
Generic guy #1 feels the force leave, but still feels like he's being watched. He sneezes towards a building, and the spectacular blast sends him fifty meters backwards. Several wooden planks break loose and fall, but the building is still standing. A shrubbery breaks Generic guy #1's fall, but he sprained his ankle in the fall.
New ability gained: Devastating Sneezes
+3 Devastating Sneezer! Novice Devastating Sneezer gained!
Sprained ankle gained! -1 to any action requiring walking!
Shrubbery broken!

{1-2=1} - The man is poked. He smells really bad, and Lithoniel falls to the ground, gagging. The man dances faster, stepping on the dark elf's finger. It is broken. Three irritated looking guards draw near.
Broken right index finger! -1 to actions requiring both hands!
Pain! -2 to next action if it is physical or requires concentration!

{2} (Minion) - The mini-mec beeps. "No engineering module detected. Unable to fulfill order."
{5} - After listening to the mini-mec comlain, Dragnar proceeds to move to the engineering university, removing the fishhook from his finger on the way. After arriving, the bouncer marvels at the mini-mec's unique design, and admits him.
Dragnar is now standing in a entrance room that is truly a marvel to behold. Gears are everywhere, yet the architect clearly took great pains to ensure that they would be ascetically pleasing. The door closes behind him, he feels movement, and it opens again, this time leading to a hallway that looks all steampunk-y.

{4} - Ragnar begins explaining the basics of necromancy to Richard, then raises a dead dog from the gutter to demonstrate.
{1} - The kid, terrified, manages to will himself to jab the rotting dog through the brain with his stick. It collapses.
+2 Necromancy Skill! Novice Necromancy gained!

{4} - After taking the needle & thread from Alfred, CJ ensures that the zombie is stitched up again.
{6} (minion) - Alfred leave the crypt, returning several minutes later with a guard and a cleric. They don't look happy to see a necromancer. The guard begins speaking shakily. "Acts of necromancy violate the king's law. You are hereby under arrest for your crimes. Come peacefully, and we'll show you leniency."
+2 doctor! Dabbling doctor gained!

{3-1=2} - Travelling rapidly through the city, the party enters a forest. Flintus thinks really hard at his foot to stop bleeding, and it complies. He and begins talking with the elf.
"So, where are we going again?"
"A long-abandoned tower, once owned by a rich guy who thought he had magical skill. There could be traps there, so we bribed the guard to bring us a criminal to set them off for us. Try to run away and you'll find an arrow severing your spine.
Bleeding stopped!
Pain cured!

Quote from: Realmfighter(Ragnar)

Novice Necromancer [0/4]
Dabbling Meek Conversationalist [1/2]
Dabbling Strutter [1/2]

Bronze axe(wielded), commoner clothes stained black with ash(worn), unidentified parchment(carried)

Pizza delivery boy - armed with pointy stick

Quote from: CJ1145(Richard)

Novice Necromancer [2/4]
Dabbling Doctor [1/2]

Stick with a cheap gem embedded on top(wielded), commoner clothes stained reddish with berry juice(worn), unidentified parchment(carried), needle & thread(carried)

Alfred - Intelligent(?) zombie that looks like a human.
4 zombies - good condition

Quote from: SHADOWdump(Generic guy #1)
Sprained ankle, -1 to any action requiring movement

Dabbling Gambler [1/2]
Novice Rabble Rouser [0/4]
Novice Devastating Sneezer [0/4]

Standard clothing(worn), a bag full of wooden dice(tied to belt), and a pair of cleats(carried)

Quote from: Flintus10(Flint)

Dabbling healer [0/2]

Iron dagger(carried), bronze short sword(wielded), a black silk cloak (worn), 3 smoke bombs, bloody arrow (carried).

Quote from: Apolistic Nihilist(Guy)
Mild bleeding
Richport guards hate him

Novice Richport Loremaster [0/4]
Dabbling Persuader [0/2]

Leather gloves(worn), black cloak(worn), rusty nail covered in blood(worn), hammer(wielded).

Quote from: Dragnar
Fishhook wound in finger

Novice Steampunk Mechanic [0/4]
Dabbling Magi-Tech Engineer [0/2]

Schrodinger's box of stuff(carried), simple clothing(worn)

Intelligent steam powered doll action figure.
Status: Scanning for hostiles

Quote from: RandomNumberGenerator(Lithoniel)
Broken right index finger! -1 to actions requiring both hands!
Pain! -2 to next action if it is physical or requires concentration!

Novice Manipulator [0/4]

Bronze scimitar(wielded), bronze buckler(worn), traveler's clothes(worn), psychology book(carried), social skills book(carried)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #49 on: October 11, 2009, 01:21:28 pm »

"Hmm. The offer is tempting, but... no." As I say "no", I fire a bolt of pure, deathy shadow at the guard. Alfred and the stitched zombie eat the guard, while the other three rip apart the cleric.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #50 on: October 11, 2009, 01:49:58 pm »

But not before I pop in out of no-where in the graveyard to say, "I TOLD you there were monsters in the graveyard!" *Maniacal cackle*,then I sneeze in a way to propel myself into the sky.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #51 on: October 11, 2009, 01:59:18 pm »

Tip #16: Minions and you.

There are two general types of minions: Swarm Minions and Smart Minions. Each player can control two "stacks," with one stack consisting of a swarm of minions or a single smart minion.
Swarm minions, like a pack of rats or a horde of zombies, are specialized at one thing. They will do this one thing better then a player or lone minion will, while being bad at other things. All minions in the swarm must take the same action. They usually share one roll, but may get extras in a swarm vs swarm battle, depending on swarm sizes. Each swarm minion is considered bad at whatever tasks they do, so bring lots of them!
Smart Minions, such as a mercenary swordsman, can gain skills and items much like a player. Their loyalty tends to shift more easily then that of a swarm. A smart minion may be transformed into a swarm, but will lose any abilities and items they have acquired.
Loyalty: Minions with low loyalty may desert, or worse, backstab the player. Some minion types are naturally more loyal then others. A summoned creature is usually more loyal then a mercenary, but a hired wizard will probably be more useful then a mindless zombie.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #52 on: October 11, 2009, 02:57:01 pm »

Nurse my finger back to health... and put it in a splint.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #53 on: October 11, 2009, 02:59:07 pm »

Spend a turn explaining what he does, and why he must be brave.

Because if he shuns his duty, necromancers will rule the realm.

Necro-killers- better at killing magic, anti-zombifacation fields and turning zombies. Natural +1 to all talked about fields.
Necromancers- Better at raising things. gets a natural +1 to raising things.
Berserker's- They kill things. when they get into a fight, they go into a berserker rage rendering all not combat skills useless.

Do you want to use these?
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #54 on: October 11, 2009, 03:28:12 pm »

"This nail represents the undying patriotism that burns within me; I will die for the cause, gladly!
Consider the nail a nail in my coffin, driven in by the corrupt 'leaders' who have banded together, seeking to eradicate individuality and personal wealth! The only solution is anarchy!"

Respond with a speech filled with symbolism.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #55 on: October 12, 2009, 05:04:29 am »

Reluctantly bow my head and move into the tower looking carefully for any traps laying around.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 4. Minions are useless.
« Reply #56 on: October 12, 2009, 10:33:18 am »

I Will take a class to try and learn how to improve my mini-mech's movement capabilities.
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.

Nirur Torir

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 5.
« Reply #57 on: October 12, 2009, 12:30:09 pm »

I'm trying to keep + bonuses down, so there won't be declared classes that give bonuses, sorry. You'll get +1 to actions after novice skill is upgraded though.

Despite being at the end, the NPCs take their actions during an appropriate time during the player's turn.

I'm going to start getting harsher on {1}s. Expect four ones without anything higher then a three in between to be fatal.

{3} - "Tempting offer, but no." As he says this, Richard utters a spell and throws a ball of shadow at the guard. He looks slightly sadder then he did. The spell would probably have been more effective if a strange guy hadn't been distracting him.
{6 [vs 2]} (Alfred) - Alfred bites down hard on the guard's neck, sinking his teeth deeply into the guard. He punctures the jugular, dealing a fatal blow, but he seems to be stuck.
{5 [vs 2]} (Zombie horde) - The cleric tries to defend himself from the zombies, but each one grabs a limb and rips it off. The cleric bleeds out quickly.
+1 Necromancy!

{6-1=5} - Generic guy #1 gives a small sneeze to propel himself into the crypt. Taking quick stock of his surroundings, he says: "I TOLD you there were monsters in the graveyard!" With another sneeze, he is on his way again. He comes crashing down onto a grassy area near the outskirts of a city. A healer in a white robe sees him, notices the sprained ankle, and fixes it before continuing on his way.
+3 Devastating Sneezer!
Sprained Ankle cured!

{1-2=1} - Lithoniel begins looking for something to make a splint for her finger, but the guards roughly pick her up and drag both her and the dancing guy away. The guy continues dancing. After the reach a building, the dark elf begins to speak. "Let me go! I haven't done anything other then make this guy dance!"
"Oh?" The guards look at the dancing guy. "He seems to have a spell put on him."
"I just psychically convinced him to dance a bit."
The guards look alarmed. "The use of physic powers is punishable by death, by decree of the king. Your execution will be as soon as the executioner gets off his lunch break, criminal scum." The guards quickly leave with the dancing guy, and lock the door.

{6} - "Necromancers are evil, evil people. It is our duty to use their own magic against them. Imagine a world ruled by necromancers. They care not for the lives of others, and find those beneath them to be more useful dead. As zombies. You showed great skill in defeating that zombie dog."
"But if necromancers are evil, why do you know necromancy?"
"In order to fight evil, we must come to know evil. If we know how to create a zombie and maintain it, it's that much easier to sever the bond between a necromancer and their minions. Do you understand?"
"I think so, but the thought of knowing how to raise a zombie creeps me out."
Skill change! Necromancer changed to Anti-Necromancer! +1 Anti-Necromancer!
Richard gains +1 Anti-Necromancy! Dabbling Anti-Necromancer gained!

Apostolic Nihilist
{1} - "The nail's, like, that thing that represses us. Like a nail in a coffin. I'd die to bring about anarchy." The men shake their head sadly.
"Wrong. The nail represents the force by which the politicians distract us. The blood represents them encouraging us to blame each other for our problems, rather then them. Still, your views coincide with ours. You are worthy of being an initiate into our order: The Eternal Breeze. We seek to unite the citizens to overthrow the bureaucracy. Now that you know, you don't really have a choice, by the way. It's join us or die." They blindfold Guy and the group begins walking. He can feel himself moving underground, and feels his wound worsen. When they remove the blindfold, he is in a torchlit stone room with five other people.
(I'd already determined them to be anarchists friendly to Guy, from previous rolls.)

{2} - They reach the tower. Nothing happens when Flint enters. The adventurers follow him.

{1} - Dragnar enrolls in the class Mobility Studies 101. Confused by the concepts, he tries to apply them anyway, upgrading the mini-mech with spider legs. He fails to do more then remove the bipedal legs. "Systems analysis: Mobility disabled."

{2} - The guard failed to draw his weapon in time to fend off Alfred's attack.
Status: Dead

{2} - The cleric drew saw the horde coming and drew his cross, but stuttered during his exorcism spell. It didn't much matter anyway, as he was slaughtered halfway through it.
Status: Very dead

Quote from: Realmfighter(Ragnar)

Novice Anti-Necromancer [1/4]
Dabbling Meek Conversationalist [1/2]
Dabbling Strutter [1/2]

Bronze axe(wielded), commoner clothes stained black with ash(worn), unidentified parchment(carried)

Pizza delivery boy - armed with pointy stick
Dabbling Anti-Necromancer [0/2]

Quote from: CJ1145(Richard)

Novice Necromancer [3/4]
Dabbling Doctor [1/2]

Stick with a cheap gem embedded on top(wielded), commoner clothes stained reddish with berry juice(worn), unidentified parchment(carried), needle & thread(carried)

Alfred - Intelligent(?) zombie that looks like a human. Jaws embedded in a dead guard.
4 zombies - good condition

Quote from: SHADOWdump(Generic guy #1)

Dabbling Gambler [1/2]
Novice Rabble Rouser [0/4]
Novice Devastating Sneezer [3/4]

Standard clothing(worn), a bag full of wooden dice(tied to belt), and a pair of cleats(carried)

Quote from: Flintus10(Flint)

Dabbling healer [0/2]

Iron dagger(carried), bronze short sword(wielded), a black silk cloak (worn), 3 smoke bombs, bloody arrow (carried).

Quote from: Apolistic Nihilist(Guy)
Richport guards hate him

Novice Richport Loremaster [0/4]
Dabbling Persuader [0/2]

Leather gloves(worn), black cloak(worn), rusty nail covered in blood(worn), hammer(wielded).

Quote from: Dragnar
Fishhook wound in finger

Novice Steampunk Mechanic [0/4]
Dabbling Magi-Tech Engineer [0/2]

Schrodinger's box of stuff(carried), simple clothing(worn)

Intelligent steam powered doll action figure.
Status: Immobile

Quote from: RandomNumberGenerator(Lithoniel)
Broken right index finger! -1 to actions requiring both hands!
To be executed next turn. Probably.

Novice Manipulator [0/4]

Bronze scimitar(wielded), bronze buckler(worn), traveler's clothes(worn), psychology book(carried), social skills book(carried)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 5.
« Reply #58 on: October 12, 2009, 12:42:14 pm »

"Hmm. I seem to be at a limit to controlling hordes. BUT... Hey, Alfred, let me teach you a little spell..."

Teach Alfred to create zombies, and let him practice on the guard and the cleric.
This being Homestuck, I'm not sure whether that's post-scratch Rose or Vriska with a wig.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Hope to Dodge - Turn 5.
« Reply #59 on: October 12, 2009, 01:06:28 pm »

"I can fix that!" Keep working on adding spider legs to my mini-mech
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.
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