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Author Topic: [Community] Niltosed - La Belle Époque  (Read 19695 times)


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #150 on: November 10, 2009, 05:57:28 pm »

i request wacky hijinks with my dwarf.

every fort needs hilarity.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #151 on: November 10, 2009, 07:36:04 pm »

Journal of Caiman Armorthrows, Metalsmith

Well. Got my wish. There's gonna be a noble uprising soon.

But I'm not gonna have a part. I'm gonna sit here, next to the forge and the magma, make metal stuff when told, and act innocent.

And no way in hell am I getting dragged in. Only reason I don't like the nobles is 'cause I'm afraid they'll kill me. An uprising? Might also kill me.

I'm staying to the side and watching the blood spill from a distance.

If the nobles die, I'm making a golden statue. Maybe of meself if no one cares.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #152 on: November 10, 2009, 08:05:53 pm »

"Friends, may I present the Hammerer-stop Plan?"

Apologies for the quality, I only have MS paint.
Also known as Zuhayr.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #153 on: November 10, 2009, 10:59:44 pm »

Good 'nough, Lofn.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #154 on: November 11, 2009, 08:03:41 am »

Haha Lofn, it made me laugh :D
Keep up the great work Tezcatli!
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #155 on: November 12, 2009, 01:56:03 pm »

22nd Hematite 264

"Ye see, the plan is simple." Lawec stated, "Tulon will start her usual rounds around the Great Wall around dawn tomorrow, as usual. At that time, we will move into her quarters, and install this." he pointed at a schematic of a drawbridge, "Then, at the given time, we will lock her in her quarters and thus take out the most dangerous noble of them all."

"B...but won't she notice the bridge?" Alath asked. A round of agreeing murmurs came from the assembled resistance. Lawec nodded,

"What we'll do is carefully carve the engravings into blocks, and place them over the drawbridge, hiding it from view."

"But what if sh-she does notice?"

"This is Tulon we're talking about, she didn't even notice the Goblin kidnapper that almost attacked her last week before getting caught in one of the traps." Tlo stated shortly, "At any rate, nobles don't notice things, they'll jus' think it's some newfangled defence system or something."

"So everyone agrees with the plan?" a series of nods, "Perfect, then we'll put it into operation this very mornin'." the hunter got up,

"For now, I suggest we all get a good night's sleep, wouldn't want us to fall asleep while fitting that bridge." he suggested. Tlo stopped him,

"Wai' a minute, when do we activate the bridge?"

"When the time comes, Tlo. When the time comes."


18th Galena 264

Kogan Onultad threw another bucket of water over the iron table, cleaning it of blood. His new labs, located up high on the mountain, was already full of research notes, various books, rock slates and torturous-looking tools. He had had much luck locating a test subject for his latest theories, a Goblin that was to be put - no, wasted - in the new coliseum, despite the fact that the building still stood some distance away from full completion is Hetros' plans were to be believed. He had taken the liberty of freeing the Goblin and its cage from the hands of its hauler, who didn't seem to much care for the greenskin's disappearance.

Bringing the cage to his lab, he had carefully gutted and surgically cut up the thief, making notes all the way. He moved over to his gem windows, gazing out at the view of the Great Wall and its towers.

He had not found that which he had been looking for in the Goblin. He needed more tests, more results and therefore more bodies. But he couldn't keep taking Goblins from the prisons and cages, people would begin to ask questions, and the blood on his surgical table would quickly demonstrate the philosopher's guilt. No, what he needed were bodies people wouldn't be looking for, bodies safe from investigation, bodies, say, in a tomb...

Ha ha, that's awesome Lofn ;D , and thanks Lawec! ^^
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #156 on: November 12, 2009, 03:14:35 pm »

From the journal of Fortis

   My worst fears have been confirmed. A tragedy had been taking place beneath our very feet. Someone in this fortress has been killing the elves visiting the fortress, and in a brutal and cruel method as well. I just thank the spirits that I was able to rescue Inefa, though the bones that remain deserve a proper burial. With that secret out, I can at least prevent repeats of this travesty.

   I must also consider the perpetrator of this murder. My thoughts turn to Hetros, the self proclaimed Mad Scientist of the fortress. He certainly has the motive, his bitter hatred of the elves is no secret. He has the means, he is skilled with mechanics. I think he would be able to install a mechanism to raise or retract the bridge. Come to think of it, he also had the opportunity. He built that bridge itself I believe. But I must make certain that he is indeed the cause of this. But if he is, I will find some way to avenge my kin. Even if I use the dwarf’s own methods against him.

   But events are moving apace in the fortress. Some more nobles have arrived, and unlike the relatively benign Dungeon Master, these nobles seem to be moving to assert their control. Having seen first hand the injustice of their control (Imprisoning a farmer for a metalsmith’s failure, for the spirit’s sake!), I agree that something must be done. Now with the hammerer here, matters will only worsen. I don’t want to be killed just because some mason or carpenter couldn’t be bothered to get off of his rear. I attended Lawec’s meeting. Needless to say, I was fascinated by the Hammerer-stop plan, and I volunteered to do what mining or mechanics was needed. I’m untrained, but willing to learn. The training I would get would also help me to disable any more of the deathtraps aimed at the elves.


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  • Urist McSpacemarine, AxeDwarf
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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #157 on: November 12, 2009, 03:55:12 pm »

Journal of Hetros
Damn and blast... the wall's been disturbed... I placed a few tells incase anyone actually went down there, specifically I made sure that the ground was soft enough that somebody passing through would leave tracks... now it's been a while, so the tracks were... blurry... I should've had a hatch made and locked it behind me, ah well... what's done is done.

The tracks indicated one of our larger members... I'll have to talk to them, maybe convince them to come over to my side, if not... well... there's ways of solving these problems.
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #158 on: November 14, 2009, 05:39:10 pm »

I would like to request a dwarf named karajan. He is a engraver who keeps to himself and is mildly insane. He also likes art


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #159 on: November 14, 2009, 06:24:58 pm »

4th Limestone 264

Kogan grunted as he shifted the intricately engraved stone lid of the sarcophagus. He peered inside, Rith Imazsen, a hunter recently killed by a horse, stared back at him, eyes dead. It was midnight in the fortress, no one would bother him until daybreak, meaning he only needed to watch out for the occasional Guard patrol. He pulled the corpse out of its supposedly last resting-place. Laying the body carefully onto the floor, like some fragile glass plate, he turned back to the coffin, pulling it shut with a straining of muscles. Slowly, meticulously, he took Rith's corpse, and left the Necropolis, taking care not to leave any obvious traces. Just as he put a foot onto the main stairway, he heard voice floating down from above,

"Thing's 'ave been going weird, I tell you Urist. First that guy makes that warhammer, and now that kid's gone strange and won't stop working on some crazy thing."

The two guards passed by as the Philosopher ducked into the shadows behind the silver statue of Aban, founder of the Squids of Winding. When they were safely out of earshot, Kogan heaved the body back onto his shoulders and began the long trek back to his laboratory, way up at the top of the fortress. The lamps were still burning bright in their holders as he carefully laid Rith onto the cold iron table.

"Need a hand?" came a voice from behind. Kogan spun round, grabbing a scalpel from the small side-table. Hetros, a sly smile on his face, stood at the entranceway, arms folded across his chest.

"You? What are you doing here?" the Philosopher asked, still holding the scalpel out like a dagger. Hetros raised a brow,

"Apart from the fact that you've been stealing corpses from the Necropolis, and I suspect, also the Goblin captive that went missing?"

"And how did you deduce that?"

"I saw you enter the Necropolis, obviously. Curious, I followed you, not much more to say."

Kogan tightened his grip on the scalpel, Hetros didn't seem armed, and the Philosopher could easily push him down the stairwell. But had the mechanic warned anyone he was coming? Would his death instantly lead back to Kogan?

"And what are you going to do now?" he asked tentatively.

"Let's make a deal shall we? I keep quiet about this, and even provide you with fresh bodies, and you help me to find out who freed the Elves from their prison."

"So you were behind the Elven disappearances, I suspected as much. What stops me taking this information to the Midor?"

"The fact that I will take my information to Ilral." Hetros shifted, moving closer to Kogan,

"Look, it'll be easier for all of us to agree. You'll get fresh Elven bodies, and I'll get my guilty Dwarf."

Kogan took a last look at the scalpel in his hand, placed it down onto the table and drew a breath,

"Alright Hetros, but I want bodies by next year at least." Hetros gave a snide smile,

"Don't worry, you'll get them."


5th Limestone 264

Kogan had finished dissecting Rith's corpse and had cleared it up. While he had not found exactly what he was after, he had, he hoped, made good progress. He was just leaving the laboratory to go eat when Fortis arrived,

"Philosopher? I need to speak to you." the farmer said sombrely. Kogan nodded, the corners of his mouth twitching upwards,

"Go on." he replied.

"There is some dark conspiracy within the fortress. I've heard that you're wise, and I've come to ask your help in discovering the culprit."

"A conspiracy?"

"Yes, as you've no doubt heard, several Elven caravans have had their traders vanish within the depot. I've discovered that someone has been behind all this, and I suspect Hetros."

"Wouldn't surprise me." the Philospher said sleekly,

"Indeed, and I need your help to prove his guilt...or innocence. You spend some time with him, when helping him with all those plans for that slaughter arena."

"You want me to spy on him?"

"After a fashion." Kogan approached the farmer, a sly smile on his face. When he stood straight before Fortis - his head coming up to the planter's chest, he looked up, a twinkle in his eyes,

"Well, I do suppose you Elves tend to stick together."

The Elf took a step backwards, bringing him straight to the brink of the stairway. A sweat broke out on his brow immediately and his mind went into overtime, considering all his options. He could lie, he could admit it, he could laugh it off or act insulted as many a Dwarf would be at being called an Elf. But the scientist cut him off before he could even begin to speak,

"Oh, don't worry, I won't tell anyone. The farmers make up almost a third of our population, and most of them are heavily loyal to you. They wouldn't let you be killed or exiled without a fight."

"...H-how did you know?" Fortis stammered,

"Why doesn't anyone else know, might be a better question! I mean, look at you; you're six foot tall, have more knowledge about plants than the entire Dwarven population on the planet and your beard is quite, quite, un-Dwarvenly. Not only that, but you inaugurated a forest preserve and often sigh when the woodcutters bring in the logs. You might as well be beardless, I doubt most people would notice."

"So what will you do, now that you know?"

"Nothing of course, I already told you, almost a third of our population would be outraged if you were driven out."

"So you won't say anything." Fortis asked, puzzled and even suspicious. Kogan gave a chuckle,

"Well....You can't get something for nothing." he said slyly. Fortis sighed,

"I guessed so, what do you want?"

"Nothing difficult to get, just some sunberries."

"Some sunberries?"

"Just that, just a few sunberries every week. Now - if you don't mind - I need to get a drink, I'm giving a lecture on 'The importance of morals in modern Dwarven culture' at noon."

Huesoo - Sure thing! ;D
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #160 on: November 14, 2009, 08:28:02 pm »

Well, isn't this a fascinating bit of intrigue. An interesting web weaved so far. Hetros and Kogan have dirt on each other, and Kogan knows who Fortis is but Fortis has control over the farmers and the fortress's food supply. Not to mention both Hetros and Fortis support the move to get rid of the nobles.

Just curious, who is Fortis friends with at this point?


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #161 on: November 14, 2009, 10:35:44 pm »

When you find out the answer to that, would you kindly also tell me if Caiman has any friends?

Doubt he does, but I'm curious (for some reason).


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #162 on: November 14, 2009, 11:11:47 pm »

Hetros would figure out a way to make it look like an accident. Seriously, he's like Kira when it comes to killin' elves.

Anyway, In the mean time I guess it's business as usual, propose a new trap plan, figure out how to get Fortis trapped in there when I test it, dramatically revealing in the process that he is, in fact, an elf (obviously a spy)... of course chances are this will all god horribly wrong and the Fortis-v-Hetros plot will be the fatal event that destroys the rebellion and eventually ends up killing off the fort ^_^
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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #163 on: November 15, 2009, 12:26:33 am »

Being a dwarven Kira amounts to smashing a hammer into someone's face, but making sure no one is looking before you do it.

"Urist, I heard a noise. Why's the carpenter dead?"

"I dunno."

"Oh, OK. Guess we'll never know. Say, how 'bout we catch a drink and get that hammer of yours cleaned?"

...Then again, if dwarves are genius at anything, it's killing.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #164 on: November 15, 2009, 01:06:45 am »

Being a dwarven Kira amounts to smashing a hammer into someone's face, but making sure no one is looking before you do it.

"Urist, I heard a noise. Why's the carpenter dead?"

"I dunno."

"Oh, OK. Guess we'll never know. Say, how 'bout we catch a drink and get that hammer of yours cleaned?"

...Then again, if dwarves are genius at anything, it's killing.

No, a dwarven kira would make an elegant series of traps that would serve a purpose besides the killing of the target, to make it look like an accident. Then set up the fall of events perfectly to direct suspicion somewhere else to the inevitable tantrum that comes from it leads to is directed elsewhere.
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