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Author Topic: [Community] Niltosed - La Belle Époque  (Read 19700 times)


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #120 on: November 05, 2009, 11:52:34 am »

May I take a dorf?  Tlo, preferrably a weaponsmith.  Any gender is fine.  They're short-tempered with other dorfs and precise in their work, and have a major dislike of the idle nobility.
Also known as Zuhayr.


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #121 on: November 06, 2009, 01:11:58 pm »

Lofn & Kel - You're both in  ;). Welcome to Niltosed.
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #122 on: November 06, 2009, 02:36:57 pm »

15th Granite 263

"The Elves! The Elves have returned!" a sentry called from the Great Wall, watching as the traders led their pack animals along the granite road into the fortress. As Dwarves began to bustle, taking items to the depot as quickly as they could, filling it with the accumulated junk the Goblin ambushes had left behind, Hetros stood motionless within the crowd, brow furrowed furiously.

The Elves!? The Elves dared to return? Well, they were in for a nasty shock. He spun round, a grin growing on his face. The dragon pen he had devised would now show its true purpose. He gave Lelgo's stone pen a look, and the smile fell from his face. The drawbridge into the prison was down, the dragon in a cage. A mason moved past him, hauling a block of granite, Hetros pulled the Dwarf to a stop,

"What's happened to the pen!?" he cried angrily. The mason looked surprised for a moment, then answered nervously back,

"The Mayor 'ad it bought down, 'pparently the sight of the dragon, was frightenin' the workers up on the wall. We need to build a hatch on the top we can close to 'ide it." Hetros gave a raged cry,

"Well get to it then!" the mason did so, leaving the mechanic to stalk off angrily, once they'd build their damned hatch, then he'd offer himself a charred Elf...


"Milord Baron! Goblins! A huge Goblin siege force has readied itself to attack!" a Guard cried, pushing his way into the Baron's quarters. His consort gave a shrill cry and collapsed. The Baron, in contrast, shot up, bellowing orders,

"Mobilize the army! Get the new marksdwarves squad, you know, 'The Blanketed Bridges', up onto the Great Wall! Forbid any civilian to leave the fortress!" The Guard gave a look of complete surprise until the Baron yelled at him to move. Soon after, the Squids of Winding stood oncemore at the north gate, while the Creative Universes waited to strike at the southern entrance, now deprived of its dragon guardian. The Blanketed Bridges had taken defensive position at the southern gate, where a rabble of Goblins were quickly approaching. The Baron insisted on watching the entire thing himself until he returned, stopping a woodcutter and a weaponsmith in the corridors,

"You two! Get me the Mayor! Tell him to meet me in my quarters at once!" he ordered them. The two Dwarves, named Tlo and Kel, did as ordered, during their few months here the nobility had already managed to imprison many people, and even have one hammered, and they didn't want to be part of them.


The battle was brief, the Dwarves, armed with various pieces of steel plate armour, shield and obsidian swords, quickly crushed the greenskins. Their swords and voices sung with laughter as they cleaved the Goblin flesh, and three Goblins had even managed to get caught in cage traps. During the fighting, down in the Noble Quarters, the Baron's consort Thikut gave birth to a daughter, naming her after herself, Thikut II.


16th Granite 263

"Yes, many thanks,see you next year." Sava said, waving the Elves off. They had bought nothing but wood (how did a species that abhorred hurting trees manage to actually get wooden logs in the first place?) and rope reed cloth. Since Niltosed had a burgeoning cloth industry that churned out much more superior cloth than that weak Elven stuff, and since wood was no worry. The Elves left with nothing more, nothing less. As they neared the dragon pen south gate drawbridge suddenly raised up, stopping their advance. As they wondered what was happening, the drawbridge to the right of them suddenly fell with a boom, revealing fortifications, beyond which a very angry dragon waited. By the time the bridges were lowered, three Elves had been burnt to death, and the traders swore that the Dwarves would eventually pay for the continued deaths that the tree-folk endured.


"Mayor! Some migrants have arrived!"

Lawec hurried out, putting his steel chain of office back on. Reaching the southern gate, he watched the migrants enter, flanked by Ilral, who immediately drafted some into her 'Great Guard of the Peace' while Baron Urdim chose others for the 'Guard of Nobility', referred by most as the Royal Guard. One Dwarf stood out in particular. Sporting a long goatee that poked out of a head enshrouded by a cloak. The mysterious Dwarf moved towards Lawec,

"Mayor Lawec, I presume?" the Dwarf threw the cloak open, revealing a great white robe, "I am Kogan Onultad the wise. You may have heard of my achievements." Urdim leant in and whispered to Lawec,

"I've heard he was the chief scientist, philosopher and all-round ideas man of the King. It would probably be a wise idea to use his knowledge is Niltosed is to grow."

Wise Kogan gave Lawec a large smile,

"Now, first things first, where are my labs?"
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #123 on: November 07, 2009, 12:51:05 pm »

Journal of Hetros.

BAH! IDIOTS! If they'd followed my plans in the first place they'd know that there's no need for a hatch. Place the dragon's cage directly inside it. Hook it up to a lever. Close the place up completely (bar the fortifications to allow for attacking when necessary). Once the place is completely inclosed, you can throw the switch and release the dragon. Problem solved in a most permanent manner. Well we'll get to that IMMEDIATELY! I don't want some fool to run around and bash open the hatch, this method is idiot proof, and we won't have to worry about throwing the beast back in again.

Anyway, on a lighter note, I hear the great scientist and philosopher Kogan has arrived! Oh what I would give for even a moment of his time to talk on physics, magmaology, and kill efficiency theory in made traps and large works of engineering! He must know so much more about the traditional dwarven sciences than I do!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2009, 12:57:46 pm by shadowclasper »
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #124 on: November 07, 2009, 02:49:53 pm »

I think Hetros is quite unstable mentally :D
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #125 on: November 07, 2009, 04:39:35 pm »

12th Hematite 263

"Ah, welcome back Ms. Ochimansiblo." Baron Urdim said, welcoming the Human diplomat with a firm handshake. Ms. Osmajirdo gave a barely perceivable sigh, before quickly replacing it with a gracious smile,

"It's great to be back in Niltosed, noble Baron. This fortress becomes more and more wondrous with each passing year." she replied. Urdim raised a bushy eyebrow,

"You've only been here once before." he replied.

"And such an excellent visit it was too. Now, to business, noble Dwarf." the diplomat sat opposite the Baron, her robes trailing across the smooth granite floor, "The Council of Confederates have discovered a colony of Dwarves living barely a hundred miles north of Niltosed, about 50 or so Dwarves. Now, the great Council has decided that it would be for the best if the glorious fortress of Niltosed took it upon themselves and took the settlement as a fief of their Barony."

"A fief?"

"Yes, you keep them safe, they pay you taxes."

"Aye, aye. I know what a fief is, my dear Osleerjirdo. But, from what civilization do these Dwarves come from? We don't want to start a war. Well, at any rate, if we do want to start a war, I wasn't told about it."

"Don't worry, O great Baron. These Dwarves are independent. They left their parent civilization decades ago, and their old masters were absorbed by the Common Fly."

"Well then! I'll have to tell Mayor Lawec about it, and then we'll see. Thank you for your information."

"Thank you for your friendship. Human and Dwarf must stand together to push back the tides of vile Goblins that infest the north."

"...well, quite."


12th Malachite 263

"Roll up! Roll up! See the Goblin captives fall!"

A crowd had gathered up at the top of the south tower, halting all masonry work. Dungeon Master Adil, surrounded by Dwarves, stood besides three cages in which sat furious greenskins. Besides the noble, Tulon her usual joy-filled grin on her face, held her hammer happily.

"Now then!" declared Adil, "Our recently re-elected Mayor Lawec has decreed that these Goblins must go! And there's no better way to go than falling several floors into a dragon pen!" The crowd cheered at this, and hearing this, the crowd waiting down below joined, making a cascade of noise. Adil quietened them with a raise of her hand,

"Now, our daringly vicious greenskins will have to fall down the great tower, risk splattering on the floor of Lelgo's pen, and if they survive, take down a dragon and escape the moat if they're to be freed! And we all know there's no way that's going to happen!" More cheering.

"So then, I've asked my good assistant Tulon here to do the honours. Are you ready Tulon?"

The Hammerer gave a huge grin,

"Tulon's always ready!" she declared jovially. Adil turned to the crowd,

"Are you ready!?" The crowd cheered. "Let them go, Tulon!"

Tulon opened a cage, grabbing a Goblin by his neck, and held him out over the edge. The greenskin squirmed as the crowd chanted 'drop, drop, drop'. Then she let go, and the Goblin fell, smashing onto the floor of Lelgo's pen, where the dragon curiously prodded it with a claw before dragging it off for lunch. The second Goblin fell just as quickly, however, when Tulon got to the third, it dodged her, pushing her back where she fell down the stairs. The crowd went wild, this time with fear as the Dwarves trampled out. The Goblin, furious as it's near-death, threw itself at a Dwarf, quickly revealed to be Kogan, the philosopher. Kogan grappled with the Goblin, managing to snap its  left arm before the greenskin ran away, sprinting down the stairs and out of the tower...and then straight into a cage trap. This time, the Goblin was thrown off, landing straight onto Lelgo, who had looked out the opening of its prison to see where the food was falling from.


23rd Malachite 263

Lawec was in his office, going over the paperwork regarding Kogan's new labs, the still-unfinished Great Wall, and a proposal to mint a commemorative coin for the year, useless as currency, but fun to show off. As he approved the latest mandate the Baron's consort had made, a Guard burst in, sweat glazed on his forehead,

"Mayor! It's terrible, simply terrible! The dragon - "

"Lelgo's escaped!?"

"No, worse, the dragon Tusnung Sizzletaxes the Flare of Gems has come!"
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #126 on: November 07, 2009, 11:56:34 pm »

Heard in the dining hall from Hetros
"No, really? ANOTHER ONE?! You can't be serious. What is it about this place? Does some kind of missive go around to all the dragons 'Come to Niltnosed, the Eating's good here'? Well It'll likely be caught in one of the cage traps just like last time and we can just build another dragon pen at the other gate for protection. At this rate we'll have all the remaining dragons in the land, hmmm... I wonder... yes... yes... YES!" he is seen laughing as he pulls out a slab of rock and a chisel and begins carving (in true dwarvish fashion) out the designs for a great killing pit/arena where goblins could be thrown in to fight dragons, which could be lured out and recaptured, or something. It's actually quite ingenious, and in the best traditions of dwarvish traps.
Request for the job title changed from mechanic too "Mad Scientist" :3

Also, Hetros IS insane, but those ARE the traditional dwarven sciences.
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending

Kel the Oblivious

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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #127 on: November 08, 2009, 12:36:02 am »

On a piece of pig tail parchment, written in a spidery hand with dimple cup ink

This place is pretty nice. Very calm with the exceptions of all the random goblin raids and sieges. Makes it hard to get out and sample the local plant life to see what would make a good mind bending brew. Much easier then home was however. No zombie alligators popping out of murky pools to give chase. *A small blotch of booze stains the paper* I am not one to enjoy being ordered around by nobles, however, and if it weren't for that disturbingly cheerful Hammerer, I would have told the baron to suck my beard. Sadly, I am unable to express my true feelings towards those who believe, just because somewhere long down the line, one of their parents was given a title, they are allowed to order a hard working dwarf around. Said true feelings being an axe to the forehead, followed promptly by a quick dirt nap. Oh well. *Another blotch, this one a vivid shade of blue* Aaah, the blue berry wine came out better than expected, surprising for a surface plant, but still very tasty. I will be signing up for the militia soon, get some much needed practice with my axe and a little wrestling training. And I think it will be wonderful to walk around in gleaming platemail. Encasing myself in steel will protect me from any wild life, living or undead, that may come along. Perhaps after a while of wood cutting, I can convince them to let my become a hunter, and let me walk around in platemail all day long, never having to take it off and expose my soft body to the elements again. Yes, I will have to give up woodcutting while I hunt, but since there is little in the way of native wildlife that crawls this way, I bet I will be allowed to resume my herbalism and brewing while still in plate. Aaah, it will be glorious.
To err is to man, as to kill your entire population because you forgot a single stone block in your incredibly amazing steam aquaduct system is to dwarf


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #128 on: November 08, 2009, 07:25:01 am »

How many kills does Lawec have?
I love the story so far :)
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #129 on: November 08, 2009, 08:53:30 am »

Lawec - Thanks! You've only got a Goblin, a mountain goat, two horses and a groundhog. Mostly through the fact that you carried on waltzing towards fire imps at the start, and that as Mayor, I've turned hunting off (we can't have the Mayor off in the wilds when yet another dragon arrives. ^^)

Hetros - ;D
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 09:07:56 am by Tezcatli »
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #130 on: November 08, 2009, 09:07:30 am »

23rd Malachite 263

The civilians had been ordered to stay inside. The army had been mobilized and was waiting inside the towers to attack, and the Blanketed Bridges marksdwarves waited in ambush for Tusnung to appear. The dragon slowly plodded up to the south gate, and peered in. It seemed surprised, or as surprised as a dragon can look, to see the entire place empty. Progressing slowly, it entered the fortress threshold, passing over the south drawbridge, and straight into a cage trap.

It didn't take long for the Dwarves to venture back out, and jeer at the caged dragon which had hoped to eat them and take their wealth. As Tusnung was moved to a safer location, Hetros approached Lawec, his arms full with a large slab of rock. He handed the slab over to the Mayor and began talking excitedly,

"YouseeIwasinthedininghallandIsuddenlyrealizedweneededbetterentertainmentthan - " Lawec interrupted him with a simple 'what?' and the mechanic started again, speaking slower,

"I was in the dining hall when I suddenly realized we needed better entertainment than simply throwing Goblins off the tower and so I devised this genius - if I do say so myself - arena."

"Arena...y'mean killin' for fun?"

"Well I certainly don't mean ballet!"

"Well, I'll take it up with the Baron."

"Wonderful, wonderful." Hetros grinned, leaving the Mayor. Life was on the up, the damned Elven traders had been beaten back, the Goblins had been crushed, and now he would inaugurate a project that would make the Great Wall a simple stone block in comparison.


4th Timber 263

The Dwarven caravan that year had bought in more steel armour, along with the news that Niltosed, now that it was richer, now that it had its own fief, the small settlement of Rigothallas, 'Craftsea', was to be promoted to a County. This effectively promoted Baron Urdim to Count Urdim, which caused him to demand several more statues for his dining room. This was soon followed by an angry outburst from his consort when she realized that despite her ban several picks had been sold off to buy platinum for the statues, and resulted in two hammerstrikes for an unfortunate jeweller who proceeded to die soon after. On a lighter note, Jurvana announced she had given birth to a boy, Onul, which came as several soldiers also gave birth.

However, all this was soon forgotten as a great crowd gathered by the north gate, where Ilral, flanked by Lawec and Urdim, stood up on the wall.

"Dwarves and Dwarfettes! Today shall be forever remembered in the annals of Niltosed!" Ilral began, "The Great Wall, begun almost exactly 4 years ago, is finished!"

Cheers erupted from the crowd, more from the fact they would no longer be forced to work all day long on the construction than from actual pride at the wall.

"We shall now be protected from enemies without! But we must also be protected from enemies within!"

The cheers died down,

"The only way to keep Niltosed forever safe is to have a strong leadership, unfettered by bureaucracy or whims! In the spirit of this, we have taken a great decision that will forever stand as a major turning point in our history!"

Count Urdim took over now, holding a granite slate up high,

"We hereby form the 'Ossek'! The Council that shall stand as leaders of Niltosed and the Artificial Tree. The Ossek shall be made up of all members of the great nobility and the current Mayor, who will represent the common People. The Ossek shall vote every five years to decide upon a leader, who will take the office of Midor."

Lawec stood aghast at this, his expression clearly showing that he had not been informed of this. Ilral took over from the Count,

"The Midor shall have complete power over all decisions and can only be overturned by a unanimous vote from the Ossek."

Back to the Count,

"The Ossek have already given their decision. By a majority vote, Ilral Arakrovod is voted as Midor until the end of the year 268!"

Several shouts came from the crowd. Tlo, his face red with anger, yelled,

"So what!? It wasn't enough to keep demanding stuff of us, now you want to take what choice in our leadership we had!?"

Ilral gave a barely perceivable nod and Jurvana, baby in one hand and axe in the other, followed by the 13 members of the Great Guard of Peace, moved in from the back, while the seven members of the Guard of Nobility moved in from the sides. They stood there, doing nothing, but keeping any unruly citizens under control through sheer intimidation. The Count shook his head,

"Rejoice, citizens! For know that on this day the righteous nobility shall forever be watching over you all, always guiding you to greatness."

Here Endeth Chapter 1

The current layout of Niltosed as of the end of Chapter 1.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2009, 05:19:23 pm by Tezcatli »
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #131 on: November 08, 2009, 04:02:58 pm »

Journal of Caiman Armorthrows, Metalsmith

We're screwed.

Nobles have taken complete control of all authority.

That count's gonna ask for adamantine.



Waiting...waiting for someone to get rid of him...just need to keep quiet and hope that he doesn't make any mandates...


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #132 on: November 08, 2009, 04:21:23 pm »

Journal of Lawec the mayor
Year 263

I fear something is happening. I must do something to avoid more deaths. The nobility has taken complete control now. As the only elected dwarf, with some control, I have to do something. The people are awaiting something to be done... I shall gather a group loyal to me, and we shall construct a holding pen for the hammerer. That way no one can be harmed by her.
I think our metalsmith Caiman is against the nobles aswell. I shall have a meeting with him.
On a sidenote, I drew a hoary marmot on my table today. It's looking great.
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #133 on: November 08, 2009, 05:21:14 pm »

That's an interesting idea, Lawec. Anyone who wants to join his group (or want to stand loyal to the nobility), just tell me. I can't promise that dissenters won't be punished though. ;D (but I'll avoid killing them.)
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - La Belle Époque
« Reply #134 on: November 08, 2009, 05:47:52 pm »

can i be a part of this? please?

I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
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