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Author Topic: [Community] Niltosed - La Belle Époque  (Read 19703 times)


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #105 on: October 31, 2009, 09:37:00 pm »

This gentlemen could change the world as we know it!!!

Also, still advocating the dragons.
Project Manager for Towergirls: Subtitle Pending


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #106 on: October 31, 2009, 11:22:31 pm »

I have been neglectful of my log as of late. Until recently I have had this idea for a craft, a drum built in a new fashion, pulling on both elf and dwarf traditions. It occurred to me after I read up on some aspects of dwarf history. An inspiration struck me, and plagued my mind. The visions distracted me during the day and haunted my dreams during the night. Simply put, they would not leave me in peace until I made this dream into a reality. There was a piece of aldar wood, fallen from an old tree that no dwarf axe had touched, so I took it, along with some platinum and gems and turtle shell, and barricaded myself in a craftdwarf’s shop. Fortunately, I was able to finish it before thirst or hunger claimed me. Now that it’s finished, the drum seems rather silly now, but perhaps it could be used to decorate some noble’s quarters.

But now that I have my wits about me again, I’ve noticed something strange has been going on. I am hearing fell voices whispered among the noble voices of the trees. Not goblin voices, plentiful though their freed spirits are becoming thanks to the dwarves’ military. Their voices are foul and uncouth, and their spirits don’t linger long. No, what I heard are the voices of elves and dwarves, and they cry out for justice.

Or perhaps vengeance.

One I recognized as the late mayor Adil, who was recently replaced as mayor. (or perhaps not so recently, how long was I obsessed about that drum?) I hear her spirit, calling out for justice to be done to her murderer. But she was killed by the goblins, wasn’t she? And now those goblins’ bones lie in the dwarves stockpile, waiting to be made into bolts for training marksdwarves. Her lust for vengeance should have already been fulfilled, why does the voice of her spirit linger? And the elves of that ill fated caravan. I hear them too. Did the goblins reach them too? I don’t know, the elves bodies could not be found. But this rush of deaths and spirits concerns me. I think I should look into it. Maybe if I take a closer look at the trade depot where the elves disappeared, I can find some clue as to what happened.

In the meanwhile, I now have another fascinating opportunity to study the dwarves culture. A distinguished dwarf called a Baron arrived. My best guess is that he is some sort of ‘lesser druid’ equivalent to the dwarves, he speaks with some authority. And his consort, she seemed none too pleased to be here. Frankly, if an elf can manage living among the dwarves, so can she. At least she holds a sensible position on facial hair, or the lack thereof. Pity I don’t have that luxury. And as for the one called Tax Collector. I’m not certain exactly what he does, but I gather it’s for the dwarven concept of ‘money’, or bits of metal used to represent value. Personally, I feel that simply bartering is better and simpler. Elves never had much use for money like that, not when the forest is often willing to provide whatever we need.


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #107 on: November 01, 2009, 02:59:15 pm »

20th Felsite 262

"All my congratulations!" Baron Urdim said enthusiastically, wringing the newly-wed couples hands, "It's always heart-warming to see a high-ranking official marry one of the best bally engravers in the entire Barony!" Besides him, his consort sniffed,

"Yes, congratulations." she said shortly, before stalking off. She had been livid to discover no quarters had been set up for them yet, and to take her low vengeance, had demanded that three picks be smelted to help speed the miners up. Sava cheerily shook Rice's hand,

"Congratulations! But tell me, we didn't even know you two had fallen in love?" he asked. Rice gave a shrug,

" just happened. We didn't want to tell everyone because there was already too much going on, but we've decided now that Niltosed is a barony, we might as well get married." Ilral nodded,

"Well that's great. Incidentally Rice, I'm happy you two didn't have any celebrations because we need you to smooth the new tombs down in the Necropolis, and then the new noble quarters, and then..."


21st Felsite 262

Afe Aveelaye began to wail loudly. The Elves had been trapped here for months now, surviving only on the food and drink they had bought with them to trade with the treacherous Dwarves. But now the food and drink had run out, and still they were trapped in the darkness under the bridge. They had given up all hope of ever being rescued, and were resigned to return to Nature's bosom. But would they return to Nature's bosom, here, trapped between cold stone walls? Already one of their number had gone crazy, poor Emima, who now sat there, moaning sadly, and occasionally tying to smash his skull on the stone walls before being restrained. Even the animals seemed on edge.

He offered a last prayer to Nefola, and for a second though it had been answered when he heard a shocked cry. But it was just one of the traders, surprised when a muskox had pulled itself up. The muskox in question gave a long, dying, moan. One of the traders tried to soothe it with the Elven words that kept animals at bay, but the muskox only moaned again....and then gutted the poor tree-dweller.

This roused the other Elves, who tried to run from the berserk animal, but were only caught up soon later. One of the caravan guards bought his oak swords down hard on the ox's head, causing a crack, both in the swords, and hopefully in the pack animal's skull. Emima, he, only gave a thin smile, crouched out of the way. One way or another, he was escaping this stone chamber.


11th Hematite 262

There was a knock on the wooden doors of the old Dungeon Master quarters,

"Milord Baron?" came a hesitating call. Urdim stirred from his table where he was busy taking a nap. He and his consort had taken Morul's old quarters, deeming them fit for a Baron and his wife.

"Yes?" he replied, irritated. A peasant nervously stepped in,

"There's a Human to see you."

"A Human!?" Urdim exclaimed disbelievingly. A tall woman stepped through the doors, prim and proper in her rope reed robe and turban,

"Greetings, noble Dwarf. There is much to discuss." she gave a deep bow with a flourish of her arm, "Allow me to introduce my insignificant self. I am Ulde Osmanjirdo , diplomat from the Defended Confederation. I have been sent to your opulent halls to discuss matters between our two noble peoples."

The Baron adjusted his coat with a clearing of his throat,

"Er, yes. Of course. Please, sit yourself, Ms. Osmanchirdo." The diplomat sat with a deep flourish of her robes,

"Osmanjirdo, noble Baron." she coughed, "Now, I have a message from the Council of Confederates, most noble rulers of the Defended Confederation."

"Yes, go on."

"They heartily support any attempt to expand Niltosed's influence in the environning area. Goblins from the Feral Wickedness and the Common Fly have been seen banding together, and we must work together to push them back to their obsidian towers."

"Well...that's wonderful. I'll be sure to mention it during my next meeting with Mayor Lawec. Is there anything else, Ms. Osmangirlo?"

"OsmanJIRDO. No, that was all, great Baron. It's been an honour, farewell. I have to say, though, it's such a pleasant place you've carved out for yourselves."

"Well naturally Ms. Osmanjiglo. Allow me to escort you back to the fortress entrance."
« Last Edit: November 01, 2009, 05:50:34 pm by Tezcatli »
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #108 on: November 01, 2009, 05:19:21 pm »

Those were some fine diplomatic skills, Baron Urdim.[/sarcasm]


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #109 on: November 01, 2009, 06:51:17 pm »

Journal of Caiman, Metalsmith.

Something I'm not sure what. Like...something's going on that I don't know about. It's a weird feeling, walking down the halls holding some metal bars and feeling like something important is happening on the floor above you or below you or in the next room.

Just hope it has nothing to do with me.

Better get back to work.

(Hey, can you tell me Caiman's level of skill in his jobs?)


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #110 on: November 02, 2009, 03:15:45 pm »

Sure thing. ;D

Further up the list you're also a competent carpenter as well as novice in the remaining social skills. ;)
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #111 on: November 02, 2009, 03:55:28 pm »

8th Sandstone 262

"You see, Mayor, the integration of Niltosed into a modern economy hasn't quite worked out perfectly yet." Tax Collector Mistem explained. He and Lawec (who had recently been re-elected Mayor) were touring the fortress, "Due to the irrational spending of some, and especially the large rooms that have a high rent payments of, at very least, 100 monies, we are currently in what's termed - a Depression." Lawec nodded, stepping over a Dwarf who was sleeping in the courtyard, "Homeless Dwarves are rising phenomenally, and soon this will lead to a huge decrease in fortress efficiency which will only compound the problem." Lawec continued to nod,

"Oh aye, that won't help the problem."

"Exactly, now, I've come up with an economy stimulus package, which I've affectionately nicknamed 'The New Dwarven Deal'. It's very simple, we must create jobs by the dozens and cheapen accommodations." the noble pulled several large sheafs of paper out, passing it to the Mayor,

"You see, by carving a bed-filled hall where a Dwarf can simply a rent a single bed out for as little as 26 monies, we can eliminate the homelessness problem. Furthermore we need to begin expanding the middle class by encouraging shops."

"Shops? Ye mean those fancy stockpiles?"

"Er...yes, I suppose so. I've drawn up a plan...just here, of a large complex which will be able to house many shops and help to increase overall fortress individual Dwarven wealth. And we'll also need to..." Lawec stopped, interrupting Mistem, he clapped a hand onto the Tax Collector's shoulder,

"Tell ye what, Mistem. I'll trust your judgement. You do what yer think best."

"Well thank you Mayor - " Mistem was suddenly interrupted as Hetros bustled up to Lawec, an unfinished mechanism in his hands,

"Sooo, Lawec. Have you given my proposal any thought? You must have, considering I told you it several months ago." Hetros asked eagerly. Resignedly, Lawec inclined his head,

"Alrigh' Hetros. You can go ahead with your dragon pen, but any deaths are on your conscience."


Diary of Ilral Arakrovod - 13th Timber 262

We received more migrants. Niltosed now harbours 122 stout fellows, as well as 20 or so animals. Construction on the Great Wall has all but halted, with most of the work occupied by lugging stones out of the vast shopping complex Lawec has allowed the Tax Collector Mistem to carve out as part of his 'New Deal'. Sava seems particularly enthusiastic as he has already bought all three shops that have been set up so far. I for one maintain that if the Dwarves worked harder, they wouldn't be evicted and would be able to get decent quarters and food. Meanwhile, Hetros has pressed-ganged some masons into helping him with his 'dragon pen' project.

Recently I've been talking with the Baron Urdim, and his consort Thikut. The two of them have recognised the need to begin to emphasise culture, to encourage the arts, and to expand our influence; especially since the Humans have assured their aid in exchange for help against the Goblins. With the advent of the economy, I don't need Lawec's express permission to build new rooms outside of state facilities, I can simply hire out masons and miners, which simplifies things enormously, so my fellow nobles and I have decided that once the Great Wall is finally finished we will embark on the task of bringing culture to Niltosed.


24th Timber 262

"This is a scandal, Mayor!" Baron Urdim roared, pursuing Lawec angrily, "I gave clear, concise, grammatically-correct orders that I needed three nickel silver items smelted as quickly as possible. I even gave the furnace operators almost two months."

"Despite the fact we don't have any nickel silver in the fort." Lawec mumbled, not paying much attention to the angered noble. The Baron continued in his rant,

"And when those slack-jawed peasants didn't smelt my items, I clearly ordered that the stonecrafter Sarvesh Ducimshis be punished."

"Punishin' a stonecrafter because metal wasn't smelted, logical, of course."

"And when I said 'punished'. I didn't mean, 'oh look, let's tie you to this chain for several days, that'll teach you'. No! I meant a beating, maybe even a hammering!"

"Yes, yes, Baron. But we can't go beating up every stonecrafter in the fort simply because yer had a hankering for a metal we didn't have!"

"This won't do, Mayor! This won't do at all! Next time I expect a solid beating!"

"You'd be hard pressed to give someone a non-solid beatin'."

"Mayor..." the Baron was interrupted as Lawec held a hand up to his ear,

"Good Domas Wealthsbridge! I think I can hear your consort! I think she's fallen down the stairway!" the ex-hunter exclaimed. Urdim's eye opened with shock,

"Ikud's beard! I'm coming my dear!" he called, and with that he bounded off down the corridor, leaving a grinning Lawec who - pleased with his excuse to get away from the noble - continued to his quarters to find his dear Atis.
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 05:19:14 pm by Tezcatli »
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #112 on: November 02, 2009, 05:00:02 pm »

I was expecting he'd be better at metalworking by now, but hey, I guess that's just how your fort works.

Someday, he will become LEGENDARY!

And I hope the baron doesn't have him beaten to death with a hammer for not giving him, oh, rose gold statues or whatever.


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #113 on: November 02, 2009, 11:28:10 pm »


How's the dragon pen going =D And the elves, any dead elves yet?

Oh, by the way. Hetros is going to reveal that he has that thing as soon as enough elves die and are caught in it that the elves declare war. At that point, catch some more pointy eared scum, let them die, then lead the project to mine out the area and install some flood gates/vertical bars that will draw back when the time comes to harvest elf bones for the crafting of bolts and similar ^_^

neatly disguised, no one will -ever- suspect... BUWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!! and so on =D
« Last Edit: November 02, 2009, 11:31:03 pm by shadowclasper »
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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #114 on: November 03, 2009, 03:01:15 pm »

Blackburn - Yeah, his skill advancement has been really slow, despite the fact he's smelting goblin stuff down non-stop. I blame the dungeon master for distracting him. ^^

Shadowclasper - All the elves are dead, starved or killed by the berserk muskox, even their pack animals have died now, leaving a ton of junk under the depot bridge along with a caged horse. The pen is just finished and will be unveiled next update. ;)
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #115 on: November 03, 2009, 03:36:20 pm »

8th Opal 262

"Perfect! Now, have the lever pulled!" Hetros commanded. The felsite lever was dutifully pulled, causing the bridge to groan as its mechanisms began to creak into movement and pull the stone up to cover the fortifications carved into the rock. A cheer came up from the masons. Hetros grinned widely,

"Excellent, now all we need to do is get Lelgo into there!" A sudden silence washed over the masons as each sheepishly looked at one another. Hetros frowned,

"What?" A mason, a woman with a scruffy beard caked in dust, came up to him,

"Well, it's just that Lelgo is a fearsome dragon who would just love to kill us all, eat us, and steal all our wealth. Who are you going to convince to actually go up to it, grab it, and throw it into the pen? You'd have to be mad."


"Yay! Dragon!" Tulon cried happily, sending a light tap of her steel hammer onto the solid metal box that was Lelgo's cage and basking in the angered roar the replied. She stood on top of the Great Wall, the dragon's cage besides her, the pen below her. A crowd had gathered opposite her, down by the pen, the army waiting by and marksdwarves up on the top of the tower ready to take the dragon down in case. Hetros gave the joy-bubbling Hammerer a thumbs-up, and she slammed the cage open.

Lelgo, furious at its imprisonment and starving from the scraps it had been fed the past few months, charged towards her. Tulon pirouetted, slamming her hammer onto the dragons skull, stunning it. Then, grabbing the dragon's maw, she threw it down into the pen to great applause from the crowd.

The current layout of Niltosed as of 8th Opal 262.
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #116 on: November 03, 2009, 05:29:41 pm »

25th Obsidian 262

Fortis hummed quietly to himself as he tended his overland farm. Thanks to this farm he'd been able to cultivate sun berries to make sunshine with. That golden brew was much better suited for an Elf than the Dwarven boozes which left him drunk after a few gulps. The plants helped him to clear his mind and get back to Nature, away from that cold stone fortress that he had been in for almost six years now. Something was rotten within those halls, the trees had suggested so, but what it was, he didn't yet know. He could only imagine it came from denying the green forests and shutting themselves within stone.

A cough came from behind him. He spun round, Jurvana stood there, flanked by two Guards of the Peace. She held a scroll in her hand, which she unrolled,

"Fortis Shorastesesh; you are hereby accused of violating the production orders of the Tax Collector, Mistem Rirablel. The punishment is 25 days in prison. Guards, take him." she proclaimed. The two guards moved to grab Fortis by the arms.

"What! But I heard he wanted gold items! That's Caiman's team! I'm a farmer!" the Elf protested angrily. The guards carried on dragging him along regardless.

Watching the scene from the courtyard wall, Lawec commented to Baron Urdim,

"You know, he's got a point. We did have gold. Why is a farmer being punished for a metalsmith's failure?" The Baron gave a rumbling laugh, replying,

"My dear Lawec, it's plain to see you weren't educated in the fine matters of politics. If punishment can fall upon anyone person in the fortress for a single Dwarf's failure, that puts enormous peer-pressure onto every Dwarf to perform as best they can. Doubtless the Fortis' farmer friends will be annoyed towards the furnace operators which will force those slackers to work harder. There's no place for laziness in a growing fortress."

"And it hasn't occurred to you nobles just to actually punish the ones who ignored the mandate? Rather than some innocent bystander?"

"Ikud's beard, no! How can they learn their lesson if their in prison, cut away from their teachers?"

"Yes, well. I wasn't brought up a noble..." the Mayor sighed, leaving.
Urist McChampion cancels Spar: Too insane.

Niltosed - La Belle Époque


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #117 on: November 03, 2009, 07:44:21 pm »

Journal of Caiman, Metalsmith (temporary Furnace Operator)

I'm starting to get paranoid. Baron keeps ordering things I can't make, he throws some random moron in prison. Sooner or later, he'll get a grip on his head and toss me in there. I do not want that...

Might be worse in prison.

Didn't we have a dragon?

Shoulda fed the baron to it...

Kel the Oblivious

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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #118 on: November 04, 2009, 12:27:53 am »

Can I get a dwarf by chance?

Kel Ragebrew, woodcutter, herbalist, brewer, and part time axe dwarf? Yes, I know, a lot of professions, but I like putting him in various fortresses to see how long he survives.

His background is he is the sole survivor of a failed fortress set in a Terrifying swamp. Borderline insane, haunted by nightmares, always looking over his shoulder, and never without his trusty axe. Ever.
To err is to man, as to kill your entire population because you forgot a single stone block in your incredibly amazing steam aquaduct system is to dwarf


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Re: Niltosed - The Noble's Exile
« Reply #119 on: November 04, 2009, 03:48:23 pm »

If a dwarf dies due to hammering while Lawec is the mayor, let him feel guilty for it. You should also put the hammerer into a "cell" with a hole in the ceiling to feed her.
In order to improve the universe's frame rate, we must all throw rocks into volcanoes and then do absolutely nothing, worldwide, for a week, to take pressure off pathfinding.
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