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Author Topic: Awakening: Turn 13: Blood.  (Read 13604 times)


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Re: Awakening: Turn 06: A Noseless Intimidator!?
« Reply #45 on: October 07, 2009, 10:30:34 pm »

Have my lackeys brute force help you?

Edit: OH MY GOD. tell the peasants that if they join me, they get fre- low * costing healthcare.

*Wink wink
« Last Edit: October 07, 2009, 11:45:32 pm by realmfighter »
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate


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Re: Awakening: Turn 06: A Noseless Intimidator!?
« Reply #46 on: October 08, 2009, 12:05:34 am »

Kill a guard, take his uniform, then dump his body off the wall.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 06: A Noseless Intimidator!?
« Reply #47 on: October 08, 2009, 04:12:44 pm »

how about we have a 12 hour limit to turn length
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Awakening: Turn 06: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #48 on: October 08, 2009, 05:21:29 pm »

Spoiler: Rolls! (click to show/hide)
Turn 07: A Rousing Speech!? Hardly.
Some people simply aren't meant to be leaders.

Blood gushes forth from Dragnar’s face, covering his clothing. Undeterred, he tears off a piece of cloth and ties it around his head, covering the hole where his nose once sat. The bandage is quickly soaked with blood, but it seems to be doing its job. His bleeding has been substantially reduced. Searching from corner to corner, he looks for something to put on his legs; shins, specifically.  He doesn’t find any greaves, but he does find a pair of leather pants and some shoes!  He looks completely different now; chainmail, pants, shoes, and a sword — none of the beggars or thieves will recognize him. His reputation has returned to normal!

Triad smiles as she walks out of the busted-down door of the armoury, her staff slung across her back. She had a plan, a brilliant one. Killing the mayor would be difficult without an army, so then the logical thing to do was to gather one.  She collects all the peasants and orphans she can find, gathering them around her in a circle.

“Now, peons. My name is Triad, and I will make you my meatshields and lead you to a GLORIOUS DEATH! If you serve under me, the brilliant patient of that doctor guy, then good things will happen! We can kill the mayor. Furthermore, if you don't die, and are simply injured, I will get the good doctor to patch you up! I bet he can even build robot arms. Don't you guys want to be robots?! Who's with me?!”
…no one is with her. The crowd quickly disperses.

Korbin takes action into his own hands.  He examines the 30” wall, trying to figure out a way to get up on top.  The wall was surprisingly smooth, climbing it would be impossible. You have to remember, though, that this is a man who viciously impaled his sparring partner, and then walked away to grab some armour, without a second thought. Walls aren’t going to stop him. Crouching down, summoning his latent energy, he focuses on his legs. Imagining the muscles in his legs all suddenly extending far beyond what should be possible, he let’s go of reality and jumps.

A rocket-propelled purple-haired man was later seen soaring over the stone wall that surrounded the city’s last refuge.

A slight smirk crossed his face. He had reached the apex of his jump, and within seconds he would begin to fall. It’s important to note something, however; he was prepared. Grabbing his spear, he pushed it out in front of himself, at first in an attempt to secure a safe landing. A better idea rushed through his head — he would impale a guard on his way down. He spotted an archer aiming at him; a perfect target. Reorienting himself towards the lone guard, he adjusted his flight path.  Travelling at almost terminal velocity, the impact occurred. The guard hadn’t a clue what happened, for he didn’t live long. The spear had bisected him vertically and was now lodged in the ground beneath his feet. The guard exploded in chunks of gore!

Chuckling to himself, Korbin tore his spear out of the tower wall. Surprisingly, the tip was intact. Perhaps there was more to this spear than he first thought. Even so, the guard's uniform was far from okay. Rather, it was shattered into several pieces. Even more, the entire city guard had been alerted to his presence! Korbin realized this, and simply continued his laughter.

Sleeper began to walk over to the crowd which Triad had collected earlier, but in his drunken stupor, he tripped. Fortunately the alcohol was alright, but he was a little bit worse for wear.

Frederick has previously been established as the genius medical ex-lawyer prodigy, but his most recent accomplishment served only to further reinforce this simple fact. As the starving orphan child requested his assistance, Frederick wouldn’t dare refuse.

“I… can do it.”
“Really?!”, the children screamed in unison. Hope gushed through them, and even the beggars which had long since given up lifted their heads.

To be honest, Frederick had no idea where to begin. His limited surgical knowledge he had learned on the spot, but he wasn’t afraid to try. He gave it his best, and he set off. Corpses were everywhere, no matter which direction one looked. He had plenty of material to experiment on. Finding a suitable corpse, he began to drag it into a dryer area. Tugging it by its arm,  the little-remaining muscle gave way. Letting out a curse, he dropped the dismembered arm and moved on. 

A wave of realization hit him; not everyone infected with the plague died. He vaguely remembered reading history books that stated a miniscule amount survived, and that those who survived gained a higher chance of immunity to the virus, should it ever strike again. Approaching the nearest peasant, he asked if anyone had contracted the disease but then made a complete recovery. There was one, but he was within the section of the town reserved for nobles, surrounded by high walls. Contacting him would be impossible.

Any lesser men would’ve given up at this point, but Frederick was determined. Everyone in this town would eventually die if he gave up now. No matter what obstacles appeared in front of him, Frederick rose to the challenge — he would overcome them. Scanning the area once again, he located a church. It could hold what he needed to complete his task!

It was boarded up, but the nails were rusted and the wood wet. Tearing them off was a simple task. Once inside, he passed through the rows of seats, the pews, and entered the monk’s offices. Back here was where monks performed their duties not directly associated with the church; glassmaking, charting the stars. Finding a simple telescope, Frederick worked the lenses. He had a vague memory of microscopes from a particularly boring assignment in middle-school, and he was able to construct a ridiculously simple one.

Many corpses were scattered around the church, mostly people who had come to make their last wishes to God before their death. As there was decay, there were rats… and with rats, fleas which carried the hellish virus. None of this mattered. Frederick wasn’t concerned about merely curing the plague, his aspirations reached higher than even the gods themselves could comprehend. He aimed to recreate modern medicine in the 14th century without any equipment or modern materials.

With his rusty shiv, he drew his own blood and poured it onto a small glass sheet. Examining it through his makeshift microscope, he came to understand medicine as a whole. Poking and prodding, he introduced bacteria to it and watched them interact. Waiting for something important  to happen, he searched his surroundings; the monks had materials for treating injuries — they studied medicine too, after all. With a bit of luck, he found a cabinet loaded with herbs of all sorts. With a mortar and pestle, he ground them to dust, drank them, catalogued their effects. He drew more of his own blood, tested it against various bacterias.

Through trial and error and hours of work completed in minutes, he had found a combination of herbs, that, when mixed, significantly increased the body’s rate of eliminating bacterial scum! It wasn’t perfect, and it may not even work against the vicious plague, but it was worth a shot. With vials and vials filled with his own mixture, he sets foot out into the rain once again, ready to hand them out to the countless infected civilians.

Spoiler: Statuses & Inventory! (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Locations (click to show/hide)
So… I’ve pretty much proved my ignorance regarding medicine, but yeah, I had to write something. That was painfully long, so feel free to skip the paragraphs involving Frederick.
Summary: He finds a church, makes medicine, and can now save the town.
Also, looking back, I’ve butchered the English language so badly… my tenses are inconsistent everywhere I look — it’s a wonder anyone bothers to read it.
I’ll try and hold off on posting such long turns from now on, it’s just surprisingly difficult to have a character do something ridiculously impossible in a paragraph without, “You materialize the vaccine in your hands!”
I’ll probably need to revise the rules sooner or later, since everyone is ranking up quickly; we’ll see how it goes.



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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #49 on: October 08, 2009, 05:46:58 pm »

I will try to join the city guard temporarily(I they say I can't have the job, scare them into giving it to me!).  I will then let everyone else out through the gate I am "guarding".
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #50 on: October 08, 2009, 05:55:37 pm »

Curse the ground and look for a nice karate suit.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #51 on: October 08, 2009, 06:07:01 pm »

Stalk, single out then kill a beggar in a alley way, write on the wall...

"Beware, pitiful beggars. your doom has come."

kill all witnesses, let someone else report it to the general population of beggars.

I will get a beggar army if its the last thing (most likely situation) i do.
« Last Edit: October 08, 2009, 06:17:08 pm by realmfighter »
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate


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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #52 on: October 08, 2009, 07:09:25 pm »

I was laughing for a good 5 minutes upon reading my roll. You're much better at making RTDs then I am... Anyway:

Enter a martial trance.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #53 on: October 08, 2009, 08:02:08 pm »

Hurray, my turn was great! (I was hoping to invent penicillin from mold, but antibiotics from various herbs are even better.)

I hand out the cure to various infected people, and carefully explain how I made it to a crowd.

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #54 on: October 09, 2009, 01:51:13 pm »

I was laughing for a good 5 minutes upon reading my roll. You're much better at making RTDs then I am... Anyway:

I think you're probably better at writing than I am, and my turn quality varies significantly between posts. Sometimes I don't even bother editing, which leads to major errors. You've actually plotted out a world, magic, etc; I started an RTD with (probably) broken mechanics, hoping it to work out. I guess the one redeeming factor is that this is an RTD, so even if it's broken, it can still be entertaining.

Really, the most important thing about hosting an RTD is updating at your own pace. The moment you start feeling 'obligated' to post an update is when your RTD is going to crash and burn.

Hosting an RTD isn't the same as being a DM; you hold more power than that. It's an exercise in creative writing, with plenty of humour and fun thrown in along the way. That's initially what drew me towards the medium. It's a step between interactive fiction and an RPG; ultimately, as the writer, you are in control of what happens, the players and the dice merely serve to provide inspiration.

I've never been great at finding a setting, thinking up a plot, and just 'rolling with it', but I'd say hosting an RTD is probably going to help me out in that direction. Look at the early turns of Multiworld Madness compared to the later turns; there's a huge difference, and both are spectacular in their own right.

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Awakening: Turn 07: A Rousing Speech? Hardly.
« Reply #55 on: October 10, 2009, 04:33:31 pm »

Spoiler: Rolls! (click to show/hide)
Turn 08: Murder.
Killing just isn’t easy for some people.
“It is finished.”
Those words alone were uttered by Frederick, and suddenly cries of joy echoed throughout the city! Beggars, peasants, orphans, they all lined up eagerly awaiting their portion. Only a few milliliters were necessary, as  it was quite potent.  After everyone had their share, Frederick turned towards the crowd.
“Now, this should prevent the spread of the disease, and furthermore, cure everyone infected within two days. I’m going to explain how to make more of this, if you have relatives or friends who aren’t here right now. “
What ensued was a long, drawn-out conversation about the specific mixing of herbs and plants, coupled with incubation times and dosage amounts. At the end, Frederick handed the most intelligent-looking peasant his medical journal. The words were strange to them, but still understandable for the most part. Some vocabulary was different, but with a bit of effort, they should be able to understand.

Quite pleased with himself, Frederick turned around and began to walk away. He was stopped by an emaciated-looking fellow.
“It isn’t much… but, here,” he immediately handed Frederick a masterwork black cloak, studded with gold and menacing with stitchings of the city and its people. On the silky inside, Frederick’s name was emblazoned with golden thread!

Korbin stood on the blood-soaked wall. His eyes were closed, and his grip on his steel spear, firm. He processed the information he received from his senses; the slightest sound, the most miniscule quiver in the air. Even the smell. How many enemies were attacking? Seven. There was six more waking up inside the barracks. Three archers were trained on him. In less than 5 seconds, three arrows would impale him if he didn’t move. He moved slightly, easily evading the incoming projectiles. Fixing his glare on one of the archers, she visibly shook, dropping her bow.

Swordsmen were charging at Korbin from the side; two of them. Another three were 50 meters behind.  One of the three tripped and fell, spraining his wrist and dropping his sword. One of the foremost ran at Korbin, full-speed, sword drawn! With all of his might, he attempted to cleave Korbin in half with a horizontal strike! Korbin parried it easily, flinging the poor swordsman’s sword out of his hands, sending it ricocheting off the wall and down onto the other side.  The swordsman’s fingers were caught on Korbin’s spear! With a flick of his wrist, Korbin badly broke several of the swordsman’s bones! Busting the grip on his spear, Korbin thrusted his spear forward once again, impaling the guard’s chest! His heart is pierced! With a kick, Korbin sends him flying off the side of the wall.

The closest swordsman recoils in fear and nearly falls off the wall! Barely regaining his balance he turns and flees. The three approaching swordsmen are not affected, and they continue their approach! Out of the corner of his eye, Korbin spots a noselessfellow conversing with the supposed captain of the guard.

Triad is unaffected by her recent atrocious luck. She starts to look around for a dark alley, prepared to commit murder, all in the name of justice. She found a dark alley easily enough, now all she had to do was lure someone into it.
“Oi! Useless peasant, I need to have a word with you!”
Her shouts fell on deaf ears. Everyone was still surrounding Frederick, eager to absorb his vast knowledge. If she wants to instill fear in the populace, perhaps she should try a more aggressive approach…

The blood has spontaneously stopped spewing forth from Dragnar’s nose! It’s quite an amazing feat, but hardly on the same level as Frederick’s miraculous medical discovery. Dragnar was quite pleased with himself, however. Not having a nose wasn’t quite as bad as it first seemed! Hearing about the debacle that had begun on the city’s walls, he approached the gate to the Town Hall. Noticing Dragnar’s clothing, the captain immediately saw a potential recruit.
“Oi, you thar. Min’ givin’ us a han’ wit this here guy?” asked the guard captain, pointing towards Korbin.
“He been killin’ me men nonstop!”
Tossing Dragnar a helmet, he unlocked the gate. Dragnar immediately rushed inside, and started to ascend the stairs to the top of the wall. He was faced with a decision: attack Korbin and become a guard, or murder the guard captain, take his keys, and let all of the peasants inside.

Sleeper was angry. This wasn’t normal anger, this was blind rage and fury distilled into a liquid and then drank. He bellowed loudly, so loudly the ground itself shook, (quite an impressive feat), and he slammed his fist into the cobblestone street! The ground cracked and a nearby house collapsed! Sleeper’s left fist’s bones have been ground into dust! No doubt too intoxicated to care, he picked himself up and charged at the nearby collapsed building. Picking up pieces of rubble and effortlessly tossing them aside, he began to search the house for anything of use. Perhaps some clothing, for one.
By sheer force of will, he finds a cabinet and inside, eastern clothing! Disregarding this inherent impossibility, he quickly picks it up and puts it on! He is now dressed as a karate master. Surely these robes will help his combat abilities.
Spoiler: Statuses & Inventory! (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Locations (click to show/hide)


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Re: Awakening: Turn 08: Murder.
« Reply #56 on: October 10, 2009, 04:40:25 pm »

Do it again, Again i say!
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate

Nirur Torir

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Re: Awakening: Turn 08: Murder.
« Reply #57 on: October 10, 2009, 05:08:49 pm »

I rest, and contemplate what I have done. With the plague cured, there will be far less dead peasants. Without that, the lives of serfs will continue to be worth nearly nothing. The feudal system won't collapse. Maybe breaking the Space-Time Continuum was a bad idea .... Oh, hey, what's that shiny thing on the ground?


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Re: Awakening: Turn 08: Murder.
« Reply #58 on: October 10, 2009, 06:01:18 pm »

Spontaneously regrow my left hands bones.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 08: Murder.
« Reply #59 on: October 10, 2009, 06:12:35 pm »

I'm not attacking anyone who rolls that many 5's, or who can jump 50 feet in the air!
Instead, I will try and convince Korbin to make it look like I defeated him. If that fails I will join him in his pointless slaughter of guardsmen!
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.
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