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Author Topic: Awakening: Turn 13: Blood.  (Read 13583 times)

Apostolic Nihilist

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Awakening: Turn 13: Blood.
« on: October 02, 2009, 07:40:39 pm »

Spoiler: "Zeroth Action" (click to show/hide)

Alright, so I decided to try hosting an RTD. I’m not really sure how this is going to turn out — I won’t abandon it, though. I’ll try to update daily.
I’ll post the first update when 5 people have joined, but I’ll still accept more after that. Post your first action along with your character sheet, just so we can expedite things a bit.

Spoiler: Rules (click to show/hide)

I'll give you one turn to do whatever. Jump around wildly, perform aerobics, practice persuasion, fashion a sword out of cloth, etc. However, at the end of the first turn, I'm going to plunge you into the first 'scenario'.

I'm going to maintain a third-person perspective throughout this RTD. I'll quote the actions at the top, then the rolls, and lastly I'll write a few paragraphs based around what happened.

Also, I'm highly open to suggestions regarding the title. It's just something I chose at a whim, and it's very cliche, so I'm looking for a better/more relevant one.

Spoiler: Character Sheet (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Characters (click to show/hide)

Oh, and I'm still accepting new characters, just so you know.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2009, 02:59:45 pm by Apostolic Nihilist »

Nirur Torir

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Re: Awakening <Character sign-up>
« Reply #1 on: October 02, 2009, 08:17:23 pm »


Name: Frederick
Gender: Male
Appearance: He is 36, with a receding hairline, and hair dyed an unnatural orange color. He has green eyes, and seems to be having a midlife crisis from a life spent studying various abstract concepts, like philosophy, astronomy, and divorce law.

I check to see if I still have the shiv I bought from that shifty-looking merchant.
"I'm Frederick. Where am I? Last thing I remember was buying that pitcher of ale with the last of my inheritance money."


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Re: Awakening <Character sign-up>
« Reply #2 on: October 02, 2009, 08:23:32 pm »

Name: Korbin
Gender: Male
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color: Purple

Enter a martial trance.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.


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Re: Awakening <Characters: 2/5>
« Reply #3 on: October 02, 2009, 08:38:32 pm »

Name: Dragnar
Gender: Male
fashion a sword out of cloth
Create a healing shiv
build a robotic drone
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Awakening <Characters: 2/5>
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2009, 10:05:05 pm »

Name: Sleeper C. Mate
Gender: Male
Appearance: Black hair and a bedhead, always has a drowsy looking face
4'11" 24  years old

Take a nap.


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Re: Awakening <Characters: 2/5>
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2009, 11:53:53 pm »

Name: Triad E. Vil
Gender: Female
Appearance: Asian, black hair and always glares at people.

Bend over for the stereotypes and learn Kung-Fu.
We may not be as brave as Gryffindor, as willing to get our hands dirty as Hufflepuff, or as devious as Slytherin, but there is nothing, nothing more dangerous than a little too much knowledge and a conscience that is open to debate

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Awakening <Characters: 2/5>
« Reply #6 on: October 03, 2009, 01:35:25 am »

Spoiler: Rolls! (click to show/hide)

Turn 01: Kung-Fu is dangerous, kids.

At first, all is still. Everyone is silently processing what has just happened to them.
“How did I get here?”
“Why was I chosen?”
Questions such as these are asked. The answers may come, in time.

     Frederick is the most immediately alert of the group; he realizes the need to check over his belongings.  Remembering a shiv he purchased earlier, he begins to look for it.
Success! Locating a shiv in his pocket, he begins to take it out, for closer examination. Sadly he manages to lodge the blade into his leg, worse yet, the hilt snaps off.
Frederick has acquired a minor leg wound! It’s a good thing he’s had his tetanus shot; there probably won’t be any long-term damage.

     Some others are a bit more cautious; Korbin, for one. Ignoring the recently-injured Frederick, he begins to channel his energy. He clears his mind, freeing it from unnecessary thoughts and assumes a martial stance! It’s quite menacing; he looks capable of countering any attack that comes his way.

     Dragnar, on the other hand, is clearly lost in a fantasy-esque realm. Completely detached from reality, he does the one thing he knows how to do best: construct a robot out of absolutely no raw material whatsoever. It’s a pity he fails, but at least he’s intact. Spontaneously spawning forth a robot is harder than one would think.

    Sleeper doesn’t really seem to give a damn about what’s happening. While his groupmates are sticking themselves with sharp edges and looking cool, he tries to fall asleep.  He shuts his eyes tight and pretends he’s back in his nice, warm bed. Just as he’s about to drift off into dream-land, gravity takes over. His body is sent tumbling back onto the cold cement ground.  He manages to smack his head on the ground pretty well, but luckily avoids attaining any dangerous mental damage.

   While some members of the group have reacted somewhat leisurely, Triad is surprisingly enthusiastic. She begins to rapidly punch the air, and quickly realizes that she has potential! Clearly to some, learning kung-fu without any prior instruction is easier than should be possible. She looks around for someone else to fight, wanting to test her ‘skill’ against whoever she can.

    A man with purple hair and purple eyes stands out the most. She charges at him, delivering a kung-fu infused punch to the jugular! Korbin, however, knows what he’s doing. His speed is incredible! With a quick dodge to the right, he delivers a powerful chop to the side of Triad’s neck. The air itself seems to quiver at this astonishing display of strength.  He moved without thinking and ended up putting his full force behind the attack. The bones in Triad’s body let out an atrocious crack, as the brunt of the blow resonates throughout.

   A sound comparable to hundreds of crying infants echoed; it was a blast of air, pushed out of Triad’s lungs at record-speed. It was not a good sound. Triad collapsed on the ground in a heap, and everything faded away.  .  .

A Sudden Scene Change

Stench. A putrid, piercing stench. It’s the smell of decay. Bodies are piled high and smoke is billowing out of every home. The cobblestone streets and waste-filled gutters are reminiscent of the 14th century.  Houses are boarded up and looters are heading from house to house. Children are kicking stones at livestock. Honest citizens seem to have left this part of town; only orphans, thieves, and beggars remain.
This is where our group awakens.  The remaining rabble doesn’t seem to care about the sudden appearance of strange foreigners. Perhaps they were simply too desensitized to mind, or perhaps they believed you to be there all along. Exactly what was going on dumbfounded the ragged group, but some were quicker to adapt than others.

Triad was sprawled on the ground, but otherwise looked to be relatively okay.
Frederick and Dragnar were the quickest of the group to react — quickly gauging their surroundings. They both notice that the entire group is clad in garb typical enough of the setting — rags, mostly. Everyone fit in quite well.
For some, though, this was clearly just too much to handle. Sleeper and Korbin were both taken off-balance. Sleeper developed an insatiable urge to curl up on the ground and go to sleep, while Korbin’s martial trance was disrupted by the sudden change.

The group looked around without direction, wondering what to do now.
Just as things seemed completely lost, a male voice boomed within the heads of our group.

Plague is rife within this time. Death and disease stalk nigh everywhere. Do what you will, but you must neutralize the mayor if you wish to return to me.
A subconscious feeling resonates throughout the group. This was not a good place to be stuck in.

Spoiler: Statuses & Inventory! (click to show/hide)

Tell me if I made any mistakes. I'm open to suggestions and comments, too, so don't be afraid to post them.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 01:58:12 am by Apostolic Nihilist »

Nirur Torir

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Re: Awakening: Turn 01. Kung-Fu is dangerous, kids.
« Reply #7 on: October 03, 2009, 06:58:34 am »

Looks good to me.

"Bah. He said the shiv was unbreakable! I've been conned!"
Remove shiv blade from leg.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 01. Kung-Fu is dangerous, kids.
« Reply #8 on: October 03, 2009, 11:23:47 am »

Take a nap to relieve my head pain.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 01. Kung-Fu is dangerous, kids.
« Reply #9 on: October 03, 2009, 11:32:58 am »

oh well...
join the looters
From this thread, I learned that video cameras have a dangerosity of 60 kiloswords per second.  Thanks again, Mad Max.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 01. Kung-Fu is dangerous, kids.
« Reply #10 on: October 03, 2009, 01:09:19 pm »

Concentrate real hard. Feel the sounds and smells in the air. Listen to the wind. Determine if this world is real or simply an illusion.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2009, 01:57:35 pm by RandomNumberGenerator »
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.

Apostolic Nihilist

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Re: Awakening <Characters: 2/5>
« Reply #11 on: October 03, 2009, 04:53:06 pm »

Spoiler: Rolls! (click to show/hide)

Turn 02: When in doubt, go to sleep.
The world is moving; twisting, turning; pushing onward. Time will not bow to anyone.

    A familiar sensation swept through Sleeper. An intense, throbbing feeling. A headache. Sleeper’s mind tried to comprehend what had just happened, and it failed to. Instead of continuing to think about the situation, it simply shut down.  Sleeper lays down on the ground and dozes off.

     Dragnar realized immediately what he had to do. If he couldn’t build a robot, then dammit, he was going to steal. He strolled over towards a small group of looters.
“Yo! I’m gonna help you guys loot this place, that cool?”
The looters are stricken by his accent. Just… what exactly was it?
Some beggars see him talking to the thieves and begin to make an effort to avoid him.

     Laying on the ground, Triad begins to shift. She regains consciousness, but can’t remember what has happened. A ringing pain in her neck tells her that she was injured, but that’s all she can recall. She stands up and studies her surroundings: she’s in a small rotten warehouse, about 5 feet long on each side. Frederick, Korbin, and Sleeper are with her. Dragnar appears to have left and is conversing with some scary looking fellows.

     Korbin remains stoic. His eyes closed, his face contorted in concentration.  His purple eyebrows twitch slightly, and he inhales the rotten air. There is no wind, only the smell of death.  He ignores the inconsequential sounds and listens closely. He can hear coughing, whispering. The sounds of people exhaling their last breath. It is too different a place to Korbin’s era; comparing them is difficult. It seems false, a fantasy, a world from a film or book, but even so, some things are too realistic to discount as being fake.

     Tending to the admittedly gnarly-looking wound in his leg, Frederick tears out the rusty shiv blade. Tearing off a piece of cloth, he ties it around the wound to help stop the bleeding. With another piece, he reattaches the blade to the hilt. The bleeding has ceased, and Frederick is in excellent shape!

The group is no closer to their goal. Every minute, every second that passes, people fade away. No one knows what is happening, believing it to be punishment sent upon them from God. Even the priests have fled.  Upon closer examination, the town was not completely in shambles — a small neighborhood to the north was completely blocked off and isolated from the slums.  The mayor’s manor was in remarkably good repair. Perhaps there were still people living there.
Spoiler: Statuses & Inventory! (click to show/hide)



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Re: Awakening: Turn 02: When in doubt, go to sleep.
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2009, 04:59:40 pm »

Wake up, refreshed, and look for some booze.

Nirur Torir

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Re: Awakening: Turn 02: When in doubt, go to sleep.
« Reply #13 on: October 03, 2009, 05:02:51 pm »

"Ha, that wound could have been much worse. Barely even bleeding."

I'll hide my shiv in my rags, and practice taking it out of hiding and stabbing at nothing. When finished, I'll re-hide it and follow the group.


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Re: Awakening: Turn 02: When in doubt, go to sleep.
« Reply #14 on: October 03, 2009, 06:04:26 pm »

I didn't get any closer to Minor Prepared Concentration from that? Anyway:

Look around for a weapon. Some sort of spear/staff is best, but anything works.
The end of the world is more fun then I expected.
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