I'm building a pump stack to bring the contents of a magma pipe onto the top of a tower.
Incidentally, the purpose is for a variation on the standard Fuck the World system. I have an outdoor town, with houses, buildings for workshops, a mead hall, and then I'm building a keep which will house the nobles, the military and emergency supplies in case of apocalypse. On top of the keep will be a large tank, multiple z-levels deep, with floodgates in staggered patterns around the edges. That means I can open just the gates on one side, or certain sides, or just all of them, flooding whichever part of the map I like or the whole thing, in lava.
Anyway, I'm pumping magma to the top to dump it into the reservoir. I know I'll have to get bauxite for mechanisms if I don't want to have to rebuild the floodgates after each use, but that won't be an issue for a while. Right now I just want to know if the blocks used in building a screw pump have to be magma-safe. I.e. do I have to forge the blocks out of iron too or can they be stone other than bauxite?
If they do, I'm probably going to mod magma-safety so it's realistic and I can use other stones. My map is short on hematite.
Also, will pumping a huge amount of magma many z-levels into the air take horrendously long if I have dwarves do the work or would it be way quicker to use a windmill? (I wouldn't mind having dwarves beef up on pumping)